RAXEN Update of the Data Collection Report 2007
The RAXEN Rapid Response Update of the Data Collection Report 2007 for Greece has been produced by the HLHR-KEMO RAXEN National Focal Point, for the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency of Vienna in January 2008 within the RAXEN 2007 project.
General overview: Racist violence as an increasing trend
. The end of 2007 was marked by a further escalation of violent incidents against immigrants in Greece. In their majority, the attacks targeted the new immigrant groups - Pakistani, Arab, African - and were performed by organised extreme-right wing groups. Although the latter do not identify themselves under a specific political umbrella, their attacks have obvious neo-Nazi characteristics and reveal racially motivated aggressiveness.
. The unofficially reported violent incidents against immigrants and minorities in 2007 were twice as frequent in relation to 2006. They were three times higher with respect to violence against migrants and refugees. These unofficial statistics do not take into account the 100 cases of ill-treatment and torture by cost guards against asylum seekers and migrants in the Aegean islands reported by the ProAsyl in late October.
. In the fifth 2007 case against Greece, the European Court of Human Rights judged that Greece violated article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights regarding the investigation of discrimination in police brutality that caused miscarriage of a Roma woman.
Edited by
Miltos Pavlou
Miltos Pavlou
Yannis Ktistakis
Yorgos Mavrommatis
Fyllio Katsavounidou
English editor-curator
Maja Zilih