The Handbook on European non-discrimination law is jointly produced by the European Court of Human Rights and the FRA. It is a comprehensive guide to non-discrimination law and relevant key concepts.

The handbook is the first publication to present and explain the body of non-discrimination law stemming from the European Convention on Human Rights and European Union law as a single, converging legal system.

The substance of non-discrimination law is set out according to the definitions of direct and indirect discrimination as elaborated through the European Convention on Human Rights (including Protocol 12) and the European Union’s Gender Equality Directives, Racial Equality Directive and Employment Equality Directive. The meaning of provisions is presented through analysis of cases delivered by the European Court of Human Rights and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Comprehensive analysis of the law is ensured by supplementing this body of case-law with decisions and interpretive documents from national courts and equality bodies, as well as other international bodies such as the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Council of Europe, European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and the European Committee of Social Rights.


  • Handbook on European non-discrimination law  EnglishDeutschfran.ais  application/pdf (PDF File 1566 KB)
  • Press Release - Handbook on European non-discrimination law  English......... .e.tinaDeutscheesti keelåëëçíéêÜespa.olfran.aisHrvatskaitalianolatvie.u valodalietuvi. kalbamagyarNederlandspolskiportugu.srom.n.sloven.inasloven..inasuomisvenska  application/msword (Word File 794 KB)
  • Flyer - Handbook on European non-discrimination law  EnglishDeutschfran.ais  application/pdf (PDF File 127 KB)
  • Seminar programme  Englishfran.ais  application/pdf (PDF File 173 KB)
  • Morten Kjaerum speech on launch event of Handbook on European non-discrimination law  English  application/pdf (PDF File 20 KB)