Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport
A comparative overview of the situation in the EUThe European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has carried out research on racism, discrimination and exclusion in sport, focusing on different sports and levels of practice. There is a need to make sport more inclusive and ways of addressing the underrepresentation of persons belonging to minorities in sport.
The findings show that despite significant progress made in past years, sport continues to face a number of challenges related to racism and ethnic discrimination. Incidences of racism and ethnic discrimination affect sport at professional as well as at amateur level. Particularly at amateur level, there is reluctance to recognise such incidents. Moreover, few Member States have established effective monitoring systems to record racism and racial discrimination in sport.
The FRA report also highlights the lack of data available showing the occurrence of racist incidents in sport. It emphasises the need to develop effective ways of monitoring such incidents among players, referees and club officials, as well as between or by fans.