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Publication Date
Angéla Kóczé, Lídia Balogh |
Current Issues in Europe Regarding the Social and Political Inclusion of Romani Women |
Other |
April 7, 2011 |
Angela Kocze, Raluca Maria Popa |
Missing Intersectionality: Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Current Research and Policies on Romani Women in Europe. |
Study |
Anna Molarin, Anna Frenzel |
Hate crime statistics in Sweden 2009 |
Annual Report |
June 13, 2010 |
Antonina Zhelyazkova |
Female Migrants – the New Nomads in the Old Europe |
Research |
December 1, 2008 |
Archibong, Bedard, Darr, Eferakorho, Wladasch |
Positive Action Measures in the European Union, Canada, the United States & South Africa |
Report |
December 1, 2009 |
Bruno Dias, et al. |
Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers |
Report |
October 20, 2009 |
Camilla Bencini - Sara Cerretelli |
ENAR SHADOW REPORT 2007. Racism in Italy |
Annual Report |
October 30, 2008 |
Camilla Bencini, Sara Cerretelli, Laura Di Pasquale |
ENAR SHADOW REPORT 2008- Racism in Italy |
Annual Report |
October 31, 2009 |
Cea D'Ancona, M.A.; Valles Martínez, M.S. |
Evolution of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain |
Report |
June 1, 2010 |
Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió |
The perception of the Catalans on immigration |
Other |
March 1, 2011 |