Victims Data
Victims Nationality/Ethnic Origin N/A
Victims Gender N/A
Victims Age N/A
Victims Number N/A
Fatalities - deaths N/A
Perpetrators Data
Perpetrators Nationality/Ethnic Origin N/A
Perpetrator Gender N/A
Perpetrator Age N/A
Perpetrators Number N/A
Extremist/Organised Group Violence No

According to a Factsheet published by the anti-racism NGO ZARA racism disseminated through the internet and through social media is on the rise. Already 2006, 58 cases (out of 1504 reported cases of racism) fell into this category. Between 2009 and 2011 the number of racist incidents in the internet have doubled and meanwhile constitutes one fifth of all cases reported. A major part of these cases reported are racist postings and online hate speech in newsfora, blos or websites, but also racist comments and entries in online-communities such as facebook, twitter and others.

The German Amadeu Antonio Foundation (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung) has carried out a study on nationalist and racist thoughts and ideologies in social media between April 2011 and December 2011. It found out that there are several strategies of disseminating nationalism and racism in the internet. Subtle messages in the context of online discussions, subtle strategies and open racism hidden in jokes, cartoons and other humorous slogans, self-declared advocates of seemingly "suppressed" opinions ("I am not a racist, but...", "Let's be honest...") or others. An example for employing these strategies is, according to the study, the head of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), who repeatedly publishes "humorous" anti-semitic and racist slogans and cartoons on his facebook account.


  1. Der Standard, 21.11.2012, Rechtes Gedankengut in sozialen Netzwerken,, assessed on 29.11.2012.
  2. ZARA, August 2012, Factsheet - Rassismus im Internet/CYBER HATE,, assessed on 29.11.2012.