On the 12th of September 2012 the circular of the Ministry of Education aiming to encourage regular attendance at school and to improve the education of pupils from Travellers’ families was signed.

The following measures are mentioned:

- application of simplified administrative procedures to enroll to the school, immediate management in the case of refusal. The circular recalls that even if the family cannot submit required documents immediately, a pupil must be admitted provisionally. The fact that the family is temporarily hosted on the municipal territory shall not affect the right to education.

- teacher training in order to promote a better understanding of the diversity, to apply specific education methods.

-an information booklet will be distributed to families indicating the enrollment procedures, measures of educational support, the school mediator and the persons responsible for the reception of families and monitoring of the education of students. School bus allowing mediators to pick up pupils and to bring them to school can be provided.

-pupils must be included in ordinary classes, but specific units can be created also in order to support them.



  • Ministry of Education, 12.09.2012, Circulaire relative à la scolarisation et à la scolarité des enfants issus de familles itinérantes et de voyageurs (Circular aiming to encourage regular attendance at school and to improve the education of pupils from Travellers’ families), http://www.education.gouv.fr/pid25535/bulletin_officiel.html?cid_bo=61529, Accessed on 28.11.2012