Victims Data
Victims Nationality/Ethnic Origin Iraqi
Victims Gender Male
Victims Age 18-25
Victims Number 1
Fatalities - deaths 1
Perpetrators Data
Perpetrators Nationality/Ethnic Origin Greek
Perpetrator Gender N/A
Perpetrator Age N/A
Perpetrators Number N/A
Extremist/Organised Group Violence Yes

On 12.08.2012, 5 persons attacked a 20 year-old Iraqi immigrant out of a muslim worship place in the Athens centre. According to the president of the Pakistani community, Javed Aslam, the victim had gone along with 10 other persons to the worship place, where food was distributed to muslms in need. The offenders came on 4 motorbikes at the entrance of the mosque, when the victim was coming out. They attacked him and deadly injured him with several knife wounds. The victim was transfered to Evaggelismos hospital, where he died.

According to the police investigation, the group of five extremists were ciurculating the area looking for victims. Shortly before the deadly attack on the 20 year-old Iraqi, the offenders had attacked a Romanian and a Moroccan who managed to escape. The minister of Citizens' protection, Nikos Dendias said: "I declare towards every direction that the state will be ruthless to all perpetrators of criminal acts. I have already asked police officials to accelerate the procedures in order to discover the perpetrators of the murderous attack and to bring them to justice as soon as possible" [1 & 2]. 

Police refused to comment on the method of the attackers, which was very similar to other attacks on immigrants carried out by neo-Nazi Golden Dawn supporters.

Human Rights Minister Antonis Roupakiotis flatly condemned the “murderous attack on a defenseless Iraqi national.” He said: “The rise in racist attacks targeting foreign nationals in Greece starts to assume very dangerous characteristics. The very serious immigration problem faced by the country and its consequences cannot be faced with senseless violence,” [2].


  1. Ta Nea, 13.08.2012, Πέμπτη φάλαγγα εναντίον "Ξένιου Δία" (5th Phalanx against "Xenios Zeus"),, Accessed on 13.08.2012.
  2. Athens News, 12.08.2012, Young Iraqi fatally wounded in Athens, Accessed on 13.08.2012.