In December 2011 the ´Centre against Right-wing Violence` (Gemeinsames Abwehrzentrum Rechtsextremismus, GAR) was established in order to observe criminal and terrorist networks more efficiently by members of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and by the police. Now, the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizen, Women and Youth (Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) Katharina Schröder and the Federal Minister of the Interior (Bundesminister des Innern) Hans-Peter Friedrich announced the establishment of an federal ‘Information and Competence Centre against Right-wing Extremism’ (bundesweites Informations- und Kompetenzzentrum gegen Rechtsextremismus, BIK) at the “Summit against Right-wing Extremism” on 24 January 2012. The BIK will be implemented by the end of 2012.
The Centre is financially supported within the programme “Measures to Strengthen Diversity, Tolerance and Democracy” (Maßnahmen zur Stärkung von Vielfalt, Toleranz und Demokratie).
The overall goal of the Centre is to improve efforts in the field of prevention of right-wing extremism. The Centre should provide a platform for the transfer of methodological expertise and approaches, which focus on preventive pedagogical work with right-wing orientated adolescents. In addition, advisory services, assistance in the implementation of certain measures as well as continuing trainings should be provided.  The Centre targets pedagogical experts as well as politics and general public.


  • Federal Parliament (Bundestag) (2012), Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Daniela Kolbe (Leipzig), Sönke Rix, Martin Gerster, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion der SPD – Drucksache 17/8809 – Übertragung zivilgesellschaftlicher Aufgaben auf ein staatliches Informations- und Kompetenzzentrum gegen Rechtsextremismus, printed matter 17/9010, 19 March 2012.