On 26.04.2012, the amendment of Decree 114/2010 was activated. The amendment provides for "compulsory medical examination to individuals suffering from infectious disease or belong to groups vulnerable to infectious deseases and their detention in hospital spaces recognizing that these individuals pose a risk to public health." According the the same provision, "the danger lies in people suffering from infectious desease or belong to groups vurnerable to infectious diseases, particularly because of their country of origin or the use of injecting illegal substances, being a prostituted person... , or living in conditions that do not meet the minimum standard of hygiene." [1]

According to the Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the amendment refers to "compulsory medical examination", while article 84 of Law 3386/2005 provide that irregular immigrants have access to the Public health system only in emergency cases. MSF insist that with this particular amendment, "the state not only refuses its responsibility, but converts the "victim" to "perpetrator", as it is the case in detention centres". [2] 



  1. Hellenic Parliament, http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/UserFiles/bbb19498-1ec8-431f-82e6-023bb91713a9/992_41_2_3_2012.pdf, Accessed on 28.04.2012
  2. Medecins sans Frontiers, 27.04.2012, Αστυνομικές-υγειονομικές επιχειρήσεις και κλίμα εκφοβισμού δεν προστατεύουν τη δημόσια υγεία (Police-Sanitary operation in an intimidation context don't protect public health),  http://www.msf.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2700&Itemid=236, Accessed on 28.04.2012