Between May 2009 and December 2009, the Hungarian Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour[1] contracted an equal opportunities expert [2], specialised on LGBT-issues.

The tasks of this Advisor were: 1) to participate in the expert group of the Council of Europe, preparing the ‘Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity’ (Adopted on 31 March 2010), which deals with homophobic hate crime and hate speech issues as well; 2) to keep contacts with Hungarian LGBT organisations; 3) to contribute to the Hungarian PROGRESS proposal concerning LGBT-issues, including initiatives aimed at preventing homophobic hate crimes through providing training to police officers.


[1] Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour - LGBT Equal Opportunities, (Date of Access: 13.12.2011)

[2] Hanzli, P. 'Szivárványcsaládok' (Rainbow families), FrissMeleg, 14.05.2010, (Date of Access: 11.03.2012.)