Victims Data
Victims Nationality/Ethnic Origin Bulgarian
Victims Gender Male
Victims Age 18-25
Victims Number 4
Fatalities - deaths N/A
Perpetrators Data
Perpetrators Nationality/Ethnic Origin Bulgarian
Perpetrator Gender Male
Perpetrator Age 18-25
Perpetrators Number 6
Extremist/Organised Group Violence Yes

On 6 June 2010, members of an ultra-rightist group called National Resistance attacked activists of the leftist movement “23 September” in the public transport on their way to a protest rally against the alleged illegal detainment of foreigners in a Ministry of the Interior’s detention facility in the Sofia suburb of Busmantsi. The attack resulted in injuries to four persons, one of them being more serious. The police arrested two persons with criminal background for hooliganism, other four were missing. A total of six National Resistance members were accused in causing bodily injury due to hooliganism. 
The alledged motives of intolerance against the illegal migrants, detained in the facility, raised the public attention to the issue of hate crime. The media covered the story reporting many cases of violence, which were unreported by that time, and raised the concerns on the missing text on hate crime in the Bulgarian Criminal Code.
