On July 26th, 2007 Ms Christine Marek, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour, publicly presented the Austrian awareness raising campaign for the European Year of Equal Opportunities. The campaign slogan is “equality starts in the mind”. TV and radio spots shall draw the attention of the general public to anti-discrimination legislation in place in Austria. A brief leaflet, an in-depth brochure and an internet website provide relevant information about legislation and equality bodies in Austria.


http://www.chancen-gleichheit.at/ChancenGleichheit/EuropaJahr/Kampagne/TV/default.htm (2011-09-29)

TV Spot: http://www.chancen-gleichheit.at/NR/rdonlyres/4651C2AD-3CF8-4C79-BD28-E179B0B1D138/1940/BMWA30secgeb02mov.mpeg