In March 2007, the Equal Treatment Commission (ETC) published an expert opinion on the questions

- whether the sign “No space for gypsies” (“Kein Platz für Zigeuner”) at the reception of a campsite is discriminatory under the Equal Treatment Act and

- whether the term “gypsy” (“Zigeuner”) is discriminatory under the Equal Treatment Act.

The questions were brought up by the Ombud for Equal Treatment. Concerning the first question the ETC decided that the sign constituted discrimination and harassment because it did not only exclude a certain ethnic group from a service but also created a degrading and humiliating environment. The ETC noted that it would have come to the same finding if the term “Roma” would have been used instead. Furthermore, the ETC found the term “gypsy” (“Zigeuner”) discriminatory under the Equal Treatment Act.

Source:  (16.03.2007)