On December 10th, 2009 the province of Burgenland passed amendments to its provincial Anti-Discrimination Act aiming at transposing Directives 43/2000 and 78/2000 in a correct way. The European Commission had started infringement procedures against Austria because of insufficient transposition inter alia in the province of Burgenland in 2007. The legislation entails clarifications regarding the definition of harassment, improvements regarding the level of protection in cases of terminating employment and of multiple discrimination. Furthermore, the structure of the independent body is partly re-organised including the creation of a conciliation procedure for disability discrimination cases.


http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/Lgbl/LGBL_BU_20100205_17/LGBL_BU_20100205_17.pdf (2011-09-29)

For comments see : http://www.klagsverband.at/archives/2618 (2011-09-29).