Three employees of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights drafted a brochure on behalf of the Ombud of Equal Treatment focussing on discrimination on the grounds of ethnic belonging, religion and belief, age, sexual orientation as well as multiple discrimination in employment and on the ground of ethnic belonging in all the other areas covered by the Directive 43/2000/EC. The brochure gives an overview on the legal situation – it provides many examples collected by the Ombud and NGOs – and the tasks of the Ombud. It shows various opportunities how victims of discrimination can be supported. One section gives advice on how to act against discrimination in various everyday situations.

Source: Austria/Bundeskanzleramt Österreich Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft bei der Bundesministerin für Frauen und Öffentlicher Dienst (ed.) (2009) Vielfalt. Respekt. Recht – Informationsbroschüre zum Thema Diskriminierungsschutz, available at: (2009-06-01)