Third Country Nationals constitute 6.8% of the total population. Many of them are concentrated in large cities, mainly Athens and Thessaloniki. There are no official data on minorities, but they are estimated between 300 to 500 thousand persons. Student population is increasingly diverse, particularly at primary and secondary level. The fee for one year residence permit is 150€, for Long-term residence permit 600€, for Indefinite duration 900€, and for naturalisation 700€.
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Migrants constitute around 7% of the general population, much of which is concentrated in the metropolitan area of the capital city. There is no official data on minorities, but according to estimates Muslims of Western Thrace are between 80-120 thousand, while Roma oscillate between 200-350 thousand.
Although asylum seekers are numerous, among whom many minors, asylum grant rates are extremely low. Migrant children consitute an important part of student population.
General Population
According to Eurostat 2012 provisional data, general population in Greece is 11,290,067 persons. According to the last Census (May 2011), registered population in 2011 is 9,903,268 persons.
Number 11260402 % of EU 2.2Qualitative Info
According to Eurostat 2012 provisional data, general population in Greece is 11,290,067 persons. According to the last Census (May 2011), registered population in 2011 is 9,903,268 persons.
- Eurostat, Population at 1st January 2012,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
- Eurostat, Population as a percentage of EU27 population,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
- Hellenic Statistical Authority, De jure (registered) Population( Year 2011 ),, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
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Migrant Population (official/estimates)
According to Eurostat, total foreign population in 2012 was 975,374 persons (8,5% of general population), out of which 803,000 (7,1%) are non EU-citizens and 153,000 (1,4%) are EU-citizens.
Qualitative Info
According to Eurostat, total foreign population in 2012 was 975,374 persons (8,5% of general population), out of which 803,000 (7,1%) are non EU-citizens and 153,000 (1,4%) are EU-citizens.
Vasileva Katya (Eurostat), Nearly two-thirds of the foreigners living in EU Member
States are citizens of countries outside the EU-27,, Accessed on 23.2.2013. - Eurostat, Population by citizenship - Foreigners,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
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Vasileva Katya (Eurostat), Nearly two-thirds of the foreigners living in EU Member
Valid Residence permits
According to Eurostat, all valid permits on 28.11.2012 were 549,602.
Number(s) 549604 Main groups Albanians, Former Soviet Union, Pakistanis, Egyptians, IndiansQualitative Info
According to Eurostat, all valid permits on 28.11.2012 were 549,602.
Data on previous years shows 524,215 total valid permits for 2011, 565,595 for 2010 and 522,752 for 2009.
- Eurostat, All valid permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship on 31 December of each year - annual data,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
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Capital city's general population
According to 2011 Eurostat figures, the he region of Attica (that includes the extended Athenian conurbation) counts 4.113.979 inhabitants.
According to the preliminary results of the 2011 Census, the region of Attica counts 3.812.330 inhabitants.
Qualitative Info
According to Eurostat figures, the he region of Attica (that includes the extended Athenian conurbation) counts 4.113.979 inhabitants.
According to the preliminary results of the 2011 Census, the region of Attica counts 3.812.330 inhabitants.
- Eurostat, Population on 1 January by age and sex - NUTS 2 regions,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
- Hellenic Statistical Authority, 22.07.2011, Δελτίο Τύπου: Ανακοίνωση προσωρινών αποτελεσμάτων Απογραφής Πληθυσμού 2011 (Press Release: Publication of provisional 2011 Census results), Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Capital city's migrant/refugee population
There is official reliable data on migrant population only from the 2001 Census. Data from the 2011 Census regarding foreign population is still expected.
In 2001, 376.732 in a total of 3.761.810 inhabitants (10.01%).
Number 376732 % of general population 10.01 Official or estimates official Main groups Albanians, Former Soviet Union, Pakistanis.Qualitative Info
In the Region of Attica, the extended metropolitan area of Athens, foreign population was counting in 2001, 376.732 in a total of 3.761.810 inhabitants (10.01%).
In the Prefecture of Athens, comprised by 48 municipalities, foreigners were 274.882 in a total population of 2.805.262 (9.80%).
In the municipality of Athens, foreigners were 137.505 in a total of 789.166 (17.42%)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
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Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow
According to Eurostat figures, there were 8,725 asylum applications from January to November 2012.
Number 8725 Main groups Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh, Syrian Arabic RepublicQualitative Info
According to Eurostat figures, there were 8,725 asylum applications from January to November 2012.
- Eurostat, Asylum and new asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Monthly data (rounded),, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
Quotas for admission/entry for employment
No general quotas are foreseen. There is a procedure of invitation of foreign workers (metaklisi), where quotas are foreseen.
Number 24071 % of general workforce 0.6 Official or estimates Official Main groups/skills Agricutlure, domestic workQualitative Info
According to migration legislation admission is regulated on the basis of the needs of labour market:
"The task of the Committee [constituted at the seat of each Region] shall be to prepare a report within the last quarter of each year, which shall indicate the existing needs in work force at the Region and the job vacancies by speciality, prefecture and length of employment, which may be covered by thirdcountry nationals. The preparation of the report must take into consideration the criteria laid down by the joint ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 5 and the interests of national economy. This report shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, which shall expedite the delivery of the joint ministerial decision referred to in the next paragraph. This report shall also be forwarded to the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation. The decision referred to in the first sentence shall appoint the rapporteurs and the secretary of the Committee, who shall be officers of the Directorate for Aliens and Migration of the Region.
4. On the basis of the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Ministers of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, of Foreign Affairs and of Employment and Social Protection shall determine by decision the maximum number of residence permits for employment to be issued each year to third-country nationals by prefecture, nationality, type and length of employment, as well as any other necessary detail. This decision shall be forwarded to the relevant Regions, the OAED, the competent Ministries and to the relevant Greek consular authorities."Quotas are foreseen and implemented in the case of metaklisis, where according to Article 14, Law 3386/2005 as amended by Article 5 of law 3536/2007, for jobs that cannot be covered by nationals or documented migrants already in the country (based mainly on evidence of labour shortage by the Greek Workforce Employment Organisation-OAED) at the end of each year a special committee established within the limits of the 13 Prefectures draws up an analytical report with accurate job descriptions and qualifications and sets the maximum number of residence permits for dependent work, e.g. for the year 2011 this number was set at 24.071 for the whole of the country.
- Law 3389/2005 as amended by Law 3536/2007, art. 14, par. 4-5. Ειδικές ρυθμίσεις θεμάτων μεταναστευτικής πολιτικής((Special arrangement on topics of immigration policy),, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
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Overall Settled Minorities' Population
Censuses do not provide specific information on minorities.
Official or estimates Estimates Main groups Roma, MuslimsQualitative Info
Romani population: According to estimates, the number of Roma in Greece variate from 200.000 (Greek government) to 300-350.000 (International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights Monitor for Greece).
Muslim minority in western Thrace comprised of ethnic Turks, Pomaks and Muslim Roma: it is estimated between 80.000 to 120.000
The Macedonian minority is not recognised by the State, therefore there is no relevant official data available.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
- Muslims
- Ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
- Linguistic minorities
Roma & Travellers' population
No official data available for Roma population.
Official or estimates EstimatesQualitative Info
According to estimates, the number of Roma in Greece variate from 200.000 (Greek government) to 300-350.000 (International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights Monitor for Greece).
- FRA, May 2006, Roma and Travellers in Public Education,, pp.25-26, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
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No official data available on Muslim population.
Official or estimates EstimatesQualitative Info
Muslims in Western Thrace, the only officially recognised by the Greek state minority, are estimated between 80.000 to 120.000
Estimates for the number of Muslim migrants vary significantly. According to the portal Islam in Greece of the Arts & Humanities Research Council of the University of Surrey, "finding a correct estimation of the Muslim population in national statistics is often problematic and presents methodological constraints. However, the limited and marginally reliable Census data (NSSG 2001) count them at about 7-8% of all foreign nationals. In addition, the last few years have witnessed sharp increases in the number of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers, coming in their majority from Muslim countries."
- University of Surrey, Religious identity and practice among indigenous Muslims and Muslim immigrants,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Muslims
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Asylum status granted
0 in the 3d quarter of 2012.
Number 0 % on applications examined 0Qualitative Info
In the 3d quarter of 2012, in a total of 1525 first instance decisions, all applications were rejected.
- Bitoulas Alexandro (Eurostat), Dec 2012, Asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications: third quarter 2012,, p.12, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
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Subsidiary protection status granted
In the 2nd quarter of 2011, in a total of 2400 first instance decisions, 2345 applications were rejected; from the 55 postive decisions, 20 granted refugee status, 20 subsidiary protection and 15 humanitarian status.
Number 20 % on applications examined 0.83 Main groups Afghanis, Iraquis, SomalisQualitative Info
In the 2nd quarter of 2011, in a total of 2400 first instance decisions, 2345 applications were rejected; from the 55 postive decisions, 20 granted refugee status, 20 subsidiary protection and 15 humanitarian status.
Source: Eurostat
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
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Unaccompanied minors inflow
According to Eurostat figures, from 2085 asylum applicants in the 3d quarter 2012, 5.6% were minors (117 persons).
Number 117 % of migrant inflow 5.6 Main groups Afghans, Pakistanis, IraquisQualitative Info
According to estimates coming either from Greek costguards or the UNHCR, in 2009 unaccompanied minors were estimated between 2648 and 6000 persons [1].
From 2085 asylum applicants in the 3d quarter 2012, 5.6% were minors [2].
- France terre d’asile (coord.), Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati & Institute for Rights, Equality and Diversity, Improving the reception and care of unaccompanied children within the European Union by harmonising member States’ legislation, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship programme, 2010.
- Bitoulas Alexandros (Eurostat), Dec 2012, Asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications: third quarter 2012,, p.12, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Asylum seekers
Trafficking victims identified/protected
According to the Greek Police, there were 97 victims of trafficking in 2011, out of which 53 from Romania, 29 from Bulgaria and 7 from Russian Federation, in contrast to 92 victims in 2010.
Number 97 Main groups Romanians, Bulgarians, RussiansQualitative Info
According to the Greek Police, there were 97 victims of trafficking in 2011, out of which 53 from Romania, 29 from Bulgaria and 7 from Russian Federation, in contrast to 92 victims in 2010 [1].
"Some NGOs and the police reported that victim identification procedures improved during the last year among front-line Border Police, Coast Guard, and vice squad officers. Of the total number of victims, 70 were referred to care facilities for assistance. Out of the 97 victims identified, approximately nine received official certification as victims, a condition precedent for government-provided care.The police conducted 41 human trafficking investigations in 2011, a decrease from 62 investigations in 2010. Six of the investigations concerned forced labor or forced begging, down from 15 labor trafficking investigations in 2010. In 2011, Greek authorities prosecuted 220 suspected offenders, in contrast to the prosecution of 246 suspected trafficking offenders in 2010. Greek authorities reported 19 new convictions of trafficking offenders in 2011, and six acquittals, compared with 28 new convictions and 14 acquittals in 2010. The Ministry of Justice did not report any suspended sentences in 2011" [2].
- Greek Police, Θύματα εμπορίας ανθρώπων - Σωματεμπορίας το έτος 2011 (Victims of Trafficking in the year 2011),, (More data:, Accessed on 24.2.2013.
- US Departmnent of State, Trafficking in Persons Report 2012. Country Narratives: D-I,, pp.169-171, Accessed on 24.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
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Primary education population of foreign pupils
Elaboration from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.). 73784 pupils in 2008-2009.
Number 73784 % of general school population 11.60 Main groups Albanians, Former Soviet UnionQualitative Info
There is official data provided by the Institute for the Greek Diaspora Education and Intercultural Studies (IPODE), for the years 2002-2006.
The most recent data concern the year 2008-2009 and is provided by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of foreign pupils
Elaboration from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.). In 2007-2008 65780 foreign students.
Qualitative Info
The Institute for the Education of Greek Diaspora and Intercultural Studies (IPODE) provide data for the years 2002-2006.
The most recent data provided by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) concern the year 2007-2008.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education migrant background population
No statistical data available
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)
Elaboration from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.). In the year 2007-2008, 136374 foreign students.
Number 136374 % of general school population 11.99 Main groups Albanians, Eastern Europe, Former Soviet UnionQualitative Info
The most recent official statistical data concern for primary education the year 2008-2009 and for secondary education the year 2007-2008; therefore, in order to have comparable numbers, we take as year of reference the year 2007-2008.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
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Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents
No official statistical data available.
Qualitative Info
According to the NFP report, existing data concerning Roma enrolment in Greece in the past years have not been reliable: Roma pupils are not recorded systematically in school registers, while some schools have reported that Roma enrol simply in order to collect an annual education benefit, but do not actually attend classes. A 1998 - 1999 survey42 showed that 69.7 per cent of the sample aged 18 - 47 had never attended school, while only 10 per cent completed primary education, 2.1 per cent compulsory education and 0.9 per cent higher secondary education; 42.6 per cent of parents stated that their children attend school, but none in secondary education. Among the reasons given for not attending school 29.7 per cent suggested the racist behaviour of teachers, pupils and their parents.
Source: EUMC (2006), Roma and Travellers in Public Education: An overview of the situation in the EU Member States.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
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Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents
No statistical data available.
Qualitative Info
According to the NFP report, existing data concerning Roma enrolment in Greece in the past years have not been reliable: Roma pupils are not recorded systematically in school registers, while some schools have reported that Roma enrol simply in order to collect an annual education benefit, but do not actually attend classes. A 1998 - 1999 survey showed that 69.7 per cent of the sample aged 18 - 47 had never attended school, while only 10 per cent completed primary education, 2.1 per cent compulsory education and 0.9 per cent higher secondary education; 42.6 per cent of parents stated that their children attend school, but none in secondary education. Among the reasons given for not attending school 29.7 per cent suggested the racist behaviour of teachers, pupils and their parents.
- EUMC (2006), Roma and Travellers in Public Education: An overview of the situation in the EU Member States,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
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Tertiary education Roma minority population
No data available.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools
No data available.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
General Population
Migration & Minority Economics
4.015.377,16€ were planned to be allocated through the European Refugee Fund for the year 2012; 5.422.370,24€ through European Integration Fund for the year 2012; 37.357.613,00€ through the European Return Fund for the year 2002. The per year fee for residence permit is 150€, for long-term residence permit is 600€; for naturalisation 700€, while for migrant children born in Greece or have attended six years of Greek school, 100€.
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation
For the Annual Programme 2012, the allocated amount covered by EU contribution was 4.015.377,16€.
. 4015377.16Qualitative Info
For the Annual Programme 2012, the allocated amount covered by EU contribution was 4.015.377,16€.
- Eurostat, Country Overview-Refugee Fund,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Policing - law enforcement
- Employment - labour market
- Housing
- Health and social protection
- Education
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European Integration Fund yearly allocation
The total allocation for the Annual Programme 2012 is 5.422.370,24 €, of which 4.319.607,62 € is covered by EU contribution and 1.306.938,24 € by Public allocation.
. 5422370.24Qualitative Info
The total allocation for the Annual Programme 2012 is 5.422.370,24 €, of which 4.319.607,62 € is covered by EU contribution and 1.306.938,24 € by Public allocation.
- European Integration Fund for the Third Country Nationals, Annual Program 2012,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
- Eurostat, Country Overview-Integration Fund,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
- Health and social protection
- Education
- Culture
- Integration - social cohesion
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European Return Fund yearly allocation
For the Annual Programme 2012, allocation covered by EU contribution was 37.357.613,00€.
. 37357613.00Qualitative Info
For the Annual Programme 2012, allocation covered by EU contribution was 37.357.613,00€.
- Eurostat, Country Overview-European Return Fund,, Accessed on 23.2.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Policing - law enforcement
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Cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit
600 Euros for the Long-term residence permit and 900 Euros for the Indefinite duration permit.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition application
700 Euros
Qualitative Info
700 Euros for the naturalisation of an adult person; in order to re-apply, 200 Euros; for ethnic-Greeks, citizens of EU memner-states, recognised political refugees and stateless 100 Euros.
For children of foreign citizens who are born in Greece or have attended six years of Greek school, 100 Euros.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
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European Refugee Fund yearly allocation