According to official data on racist and related hate crimes, a large amount of right-wing extremist crimes was recorded. The number of officially recorded incidents is far lower than the number of incidents based on unofficial sources from NGOs. In 2010, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) recorded 271 cases of ethnic discrimination
Racist violence - Hate Speech Statistics
The overall number of politically motivated right-wing crimes increased from 16,375 in 2010 to 16,873 in 2011. In particular, politically motivated, right-wing violent crimes based on xenophobic motifs increased by 22.7% compared to 2010.
1,239 anti-Semitic right-wing crimes were recorded by the police. The number of violent right-wing crimes with an anti-Semitic motivation was 29 in 2011.The number of officially recorded incidents is far lower than the number of incidents based on unofficial sources.
Overall numbers of racist & hate crime
Overall number of politically motivated right-wing crimes increased
Numbers of cases 16873 Official or estimates OfficialQualitative Info
Official data on racist and related hate crimes, collected through the police registration system KMPD (Criminal Police Reporting Scheme; Kriminalpolizeilicher Meldedienst) on politically motivated crimes (PMK):
In 2011, a historic peak of politically motivated crimes (Politisch motivierte Kriminalität, PMK) was recorded since the modification of the registration system in 2001. Furthermore, the overall number of politically motivated right-wing crimes increased from 16,375 in 2010 to 16,873 in 2011. In particular, politically motivated, right-wing violent crimes based on xenophobic motifs increased by 22.7% compared to 2010.
In 2011, 16,873 crimes were registered as “politically motivated criminality – right wing” by the police, of which 11,475 cases were recorded as propaganda offences and 828 as violent right-wing crimes.
Among those 16,142 right-wing extremist crimes were recorded, of which 755 were right-wing extremist violent crimes. 347 cases of extremist violent crimes were deemed as xenophobic.
In 2011, 1,239 anti-Semitic right-wing crimes were recorded by the police. The number of violent right-wing crimes with an anti-Semitic motivation was 29 in 2011.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2012), Verfassungsschutzbericht 2011, Berlin, p. 47, available at:, Accessed on 13.01.2013.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2012) ‘Entwicklung der politisch motivierten Kriminalität im Jahr 2011‘, Press release, 11 May 2012, available at:, Accessed on 13.01.2013.
Type (R/D)
- Extremism - organised Racist Violence
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
- Islamophobia
Numbers of cases 2 Official or estimates Official data; Inofficial data suggest far higher numbersQualitative Info
Official data:
In 2010, no homicides were recorded but six cases of attempted homicide also two of them with a xenophobic motivation [1]. In 2011, two cases of homicide and five cases of attempted homicide were recorded [2].Unofficial data show a far higher number of deaths/killings:
According to the anti-right-wing organisation CURA Opferfond rechte Gewalt, operated by the Antonio Amadeu Foundation, 182 people have been killed by perpetrators with an extreme right-wing, racist or anti-Semitic motivation between 1990 and 2011 [3].
Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), Verfassungsschutzbericht 2010,, Accessed on 10.01.2012.
Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), Entwicklung der politisch motivierten Kriminalität im Jahr 2011:, Accessed on 09.01.2013.
Erkol. A./ Winter, N. (2011), 182 Todesopfer rechtsextremer und rassistischer Gewalt seit 1990, 23.11.2011,, Accessed on 10.01.2012.
Type (R/D)
- Extremism - organised Racist Violence
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
- Islamophobia
Court cases on racist - hate crime
Qualitative Info
Statistical data on investigation proceedings initiated in the context of extreme right-wing cases exists only in some German Federal States.
In Brandenburg, the statistics encompass investigations procedures initiated in the context of right-wing extremist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic violent crimes. In 2009, 21 such investigation procedures were launched by one of the four state prosecutors in Brandenburg.
The number of investigation proceedings launched by the Saxony-Anhalt state prosecution authority in case of right-wing extremist crimes was 2,315 in 2009. More than 73 per cent (n=1,698) of the cases referred to propaganda offences (art. 86 StGB, art. 86a StGB), eleven per cent (n= 259) dealt with cases of incitement of the people (art. 130 StGB) and display of violence and seven per cent (n = 155) with bodily harm. 84 investigations were cases of xenophobic crimes directed against foreigners.
- Ministry of Justice Brandenburg (Ministerium der Justiz Brandenburg), Rechtsextremismus hinter Gittern erfolgreich zurückgedrängt, Press release, 11.03.2010, (accessed on 10.01.2012).
- German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, StGB), (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Type (R/D)
- Extremism - organised Racist Violence
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
Overall numbers of racist & hate crime
Discrimination Statistics
The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) recorded 271 cases of ethnic discrimination in 2010. The statutory anti-discrimination body on state level- the Berlin State Body for Equal Treatment - Against Discrimination (Berliner Landesstelle fuer Gleichbehandlung - gegen Diskriminierung, LADS) and its network counted 89 cases of discrimination on the ground of ethnic origin in 2010.
Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court
Qualitative Info
According to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) - Germany’s solely nationwide statutory anti-discrimination body- a total number of 12,240 contacts were counted between August 2006 and November 2010, among those 5,657 queries and complaints that referred to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). 752 of the 5,657 queries referred to ethnic discrimination, 168 queries referred to religion and 15 queries referred to belief. 271 cases of ethnic discrimination were recorded in 2010.
The statutory anti-discrimination body on state level- the Berliner Landesstelle fuer Gleichbehandlung - gegen Diskriminierung (Berlin State Body for Equal Treatment - Against Discrimination, LADS) - coordinates a Berlin-wide network of organisations offering professional anti-discrimination counselling.
In 2009, in total 469 complaints were recorded by the LADS, of which 167 cases were on the ground of ethnic origin, 18 cases on the ground of skin colour and 33 on the ground of religion.
In 2010 the network counted 336 cases of discrimination: 89 cases of discrimination on the ground of ethnic origin, 13 on the ground of skin colour and 14 on the ground of religion.
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, FADA (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) (2010), Gemeinsamer Bericht der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes und der in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich betroffenen Beauftragten der Bundesregierung und des Deutschen Bundestages,;jsessionid=CB3D8340B63ED0C0CA57CD899D1A7657.2_cid103?__blob=publicationFile (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Berlin State Body for Equal Treatment - Against Discrimination Berlin State Body for Equal Treatment - Against Discrimination (Berliner Landesstelle fuer Gleichbehandlung - gegen Diskriminierung, LADS), Gleichbehandlung ist Ihr gutes Recht! Drei Jahre Landesantidiskriminierungsstelle, (accessed on 10.01.2012); information on request.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Roma & Travelers
- Muslims
- Ethnic minorities
- Asylum seekers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
- Afrophobia
- Arabophobia
- Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
- Number of cases where ethnic discrimination was found/established by Equality Body/Agency/Court
- Cases solved / corrected / settled
- Sanctions imposed / compensations / awards attributed-received
ECtHR cases - decisions art.14 etc.
Qualitative Info
In 2011, there was no decision according to art. 14 in a total of 41 judgments, among which in 31 at least one violation was found.
External Url
See other countriesSee indicator history - Cases - investigations before other EU and international bodies (European Committee for Social Rights - UN HRC - CAT etc.)
- Decisions-Infringment procedures initiated before the European Court of Justice
Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court