In 2011, 7,198,946 (8.8 per cent) foreigners lived in Germany. Thereof 2,628,300 (3.2 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States and 4,570,600 (5.6 per cent) were citizens of non-member countries.
In 2011, there were 45,098 applications for asylum (first-time applications). This constitutes an increase of 11 per cent compared to the previous year.
In 2011, the main countries of origin were Afghanistan, Iraq and Serbia.
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
In 2011, 7,198,946 (8.8 per cent) foreigners lived in Germany. Thereof 2,628,300 (3.2 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States and 4,570,600 (5.6 per cent) were citizens of non-member countries.
General Population
81,843,743 (01.01.2011)
Number 81843743 % of EU 16.2Qualitative Info
According to Eurostat, 81,843,743 people lived in Germany on the 1st January 2011 (preliminary).
In 2010, according to the German Federal Statistical Office, 81,758,330 people lived in Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt; 31.12.2010).
- Eurostat, Eurostat Yearbook 2011,, Accessed on 03.01.2013.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Ausländische Bevölkerung am 31.12.2010,, Accessed on 18.02.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Majority
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Daily life
Migrant Population (official/estimates)
According to Eurostat, on 1 January 2011, 7,198,946 (8.8 per cent) foreigners lived in Germany. Thereof 2,628,300 (3.2 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States and 4,570,600 (5.6 per cent) were citizens of non-member countries.
Number 7198946 % of general population 8.8 Official or estimates OfficialQualitative Info
According to Eurostat, on 1 January 2011, 7,198,946 (8.8 per cent) foreigners lived in Germany. Thereof 2,628,300 (3.2 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States and 4,570,600 (5.6 per cent) were citizens of non-member countries.
Further, two statistical sources are to be distinguished in order to describe the foreign population stock in Germany: the Central Register of Aliens (
Ausländerzentralregister, AZR ), where only those non-nationals are registered whose stay in Germany exceeds three months and the continuous update of the population statistics (Bevölkerungsfortschreibung).In 2010, according to the continuous update of the population statistics (Bevölkerungsfortschreibung) 7,198,946 (8.8 per cent) (nach Bevölkerungsfortschreibung) were in possession of a foreign citizenship (31.12.2010).
In 2010, according to the Central Register of Aliens (AZR), 6,753,621 foreigners lived in Germany (31.12.2010). Amongst them, 2,443,330 (36.2 per cent) were foreigners with a citizenship from other EU-27. 1,280,074 (19.0 per cent) of foreigners were born in Germany. Amongst the foreign population the main countries of origin on 31.1.2010 (AZR) were Turkey[1,629,480 persons with a Turkish citizenship (24.1%)], Italy [517,546 persons with an Italian citizenship (7.7%)], Poland [419,435 persons with a Polish citizenship (6.2 per cent)] and Greece [276,685 (4.1 per cent) persons with a Greek citizenship].By the end of 2011, a total of 6,9 million persons with a foreign citizenship lived in Germany, according to the data of the Central Register of Aliens (AZR). Compared to 2010, the foreign population registered in the AZR increased by 177,300 persons (+ 2.6 per cent). This is the highest increase for 15 years in Germany.
In 2010, according to the Microcensus 15,746,000 (19.3 per cent) people with a migration background lived in Germany. 8,598,000 (10.5 per cent) thereof were in possession of a German citizenship, 7,147,000 (8.7 per cent) had a foreign citizenship.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI)/ Federal Office for Migrantion and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF), Migrationsbericht 2010,, Accessed on 03.01.2012.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Ausländische Bevölkerung im Jahr 2011 deutlich angestiegen, 23.05.2012,, Accessed on 23.05.2012.
- Eurostat, Statistics in focus 2012, Population and social conditions, 31/2012,, Accessed on 27.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Valid Residence permits
Qualitative Info
According to the Central Register of Aliens (Ausländerzentralregister, AZR), in 2010 (31.12.2010):
Persons treated according to the Residence Act (2004) (Aufenthaltsgesetz):
Temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis): 1,270,498
Permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis): 1,524,190
EU-residence permit: 1,645,821
Toleration (permission to remain until deported, Duldung): 87,194
Specific-purpose residence permit (permission to remain, Aufenhaltsgestattung): 35,856
Other cases: 157,576
Persons treated according to the Aliens Act (1990) (Ausländergesetz)
Temporary residence permit: 191,992
Permanent residence permit: 1,334,579
Without any kind of residence permit: 505,915
According to the Central Register of Aliens (Ausländerzentralregister, AZR), in 2011 (31.12.2011):
Persons treated according to the Residence Act (2004) (Aufenthaltsgesetz):
Temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis): 1,216,184
Permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis): 1,775,838
EU-residence permit: 1,734,750
Toleration (permission to remain until deported, Duldung): 87,839
Specific-purpose residence permit (permission to remain, Aufenhaltsgestattung): 47,161
Other cases: 214,419
Persons treated according to the Aliens Act (1990) (Ausländergesetz)
Temporary residence permit: 152,685
Permanent residence permit: 1,093,473
Without any kind of residence permit: 608,547
Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Ausländische Bevölkerung am 31.12.2010,,templateId=renderPrint.psml, (accessed on 03.01.2012).
Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Ausländische Bevölkerung am 31.12.2011, (accessed on 23.05.2012) .
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Capital city's general population
Qualitative Info
On 31.12.2009, the capital of Germany, Berlin had 3,369,672 inhabitants.
On 31.12.2010, the capital of Germany, Berlin had 3,387,562 inhabitants.On 31.12.2011, the capital of Germany, Berlin had 3,427,114 inhabitants.
- Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg), Statistischer Bericht A I 5 – hj 2 / 10, (accessed on 03.01.2012).
- Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg), Statistischer Bericht A I 5 – hj 2 / 11, (accessed on 23.05.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Majority
Capital city's migrant/refugee population
Qualitative Info
In 2009 (31.12.2009), there lived 859,253 (25.5 per cent) persons with a migration background in the capital of Germany, Berlin. Amongst them there were 214,506 (25.0 per cent) persons with a migration background from another EU member state, 162,637 (18.9 per cent) persons with a Turkish migration background and 87,647 (10.2 per cent) persons with a Polish migration background.
There lived 460,187 (13.7 per cent) foreigners in Berlin of which 145,670 (31.7 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States.In 2010 (31.12.2010), there lived 872,132 (25.7 per cent) persons with a migration background in Berlin. Amongst them, there were 242,982 (27.9 per cent) with a migration background of other EU Member States; 175,913 (20.2 per cent) with a Turkish migration background; 92,281 (10.6 per cent) persons with a Polish migration background; 43,046 (4.9 per cent) with a Russian migration background; 26,222 (3.0 per cent) with a Serbian migration background.
There lived 457,806 (13.5 per cent) foreigners in Berlin of which 149,726 (32,7 per cent) were citizens of other EU Member States. The main countries of origin were Turkey [104,556 (22.8 per cent)], Poland [40,988 (9.0 per cent)], Serbia [19,230 (4.2 per cent)], Italy [15,842 (3.5 per cent)] and the Russian Federation [15,332 (3.3 per cent)].In 2011 (31.12.2011), there lived 429,976 Germans with a migration background in Berlin. Most of them with a migration background of an Islamic country. There lived 478,212 foreigners in Berlin of which 166,115 persons were citizens of other EU Member States and 184,849 persons were citizens of other European states.
Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg), Press rerlease, 04.02.2011, (accessed on 03.01.2012).
Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg) (2010), Statistischer
Bericht A I 5 – hj 2/09, on 03.01.2012). -
Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg), Statistischer Bericht A I 5 – hj 2 / 11, (accessed on 23.05.2012).
Office for Statistics Brandenburg (Amt für Statistik Brandenburg), Statistischer Bericht A I 5 – hj 2 / 10, (accessed on 03.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow
Until November 2012, there were 59,441 applications for asylum (first-time applications). In 2011, there were 45,098 applications for asylum (first-time applications).
Number 59441 Main groups Afghanistan, Iraq, SerbiaQualitative Info
In 2011, there were 45,098 applications for asylum (first-time applications). This constitutes an increase of 11 per cent compared to the previous year.
In 2011, the main countries of origin were Afghanistan (7,767), Iraq (5,831), Serbia (4,579), Iran (3,352), Syria (2,634) and Pakistan (2,539).Until November 2012, there were 59,441 applications for asylum (first-time applications). In 2012, the main countries of origin were Serbia (12,214), Afghanistan (7,209), Syria (7,299), Iraq (5,293), Iran (4,386), and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (6,697).
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI), 41.332 Asylanträge im Jahr 2010, Press Release, 17.01.2011,, Accessed on 03.01.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) )/ Federal Office for Migrantion and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF), Migrationsbericht 2009,, Accessed on 03.01.2012, p. 280.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI)/ Federal Office for Migrantion and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF), Migrationsbericht 2010,, Accessed on 03.01.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI), 45.741 Asylanträge im Jahr 2011, Press Release, 24.01.2012,, Accessed 23.05.2012.
- Federal Office for Migrantion and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF), Asylgeschäftsstatistik:;jsessionid=307E3A474575DF7ABC32FF3421729B6A.1_cid244?__blob=publicationFile, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
- Quotas for admission/entry for employment
Overall Settled Minorities' Population
Qualitative Info
There are four settled minorities in Germany that are recognized as such by the state: Danish, Frisians, Sinti and Roma, and Sorbs.
According to figures by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), in 2010 50,000 Danish were living in Germany. The estimated number of Sorbs living in Germany was 60,000 in 2010. The estimated number of German Sinti and Roma was approximately 70,000.
In addition, there were 350,000 East Frisians and 50,000 North Frisians living in Germany. Original source and quality of data for Frisians is unclear.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), Nationale Minderheiten in Deutschland,;jsessionid=AF9623F00487BAC5840E6B450A9301E3.1_cid165?__blob=publicationFile (accessed on 06.01.2012).
- Der Nordfriesische Verein e.V., (accessed on 11.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
- Ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
- Linguistic minorities
Roma & Travellers' population
Qualitative Info
The Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) estimates the number of German Sinti and Roma to be approximately 70,000. However, there are also non-German Sinti and Roma living in Germany, which is why the total number of Sinti and Roma is much higher. While there are no exact numbers available, a parliamentary document, released in 2007 estimated the number of all Sinti and Roma living in Germany at approximately 200,000 – a figure in which more than 50,000 Roma refugees from the Balkans are also included.
- Peucker, Mario/ Bochmann, Annett/ Heidmann, Rachel (2009), Housing Conditions of Sinti and Roma. Germany. RAXEN Thematic Study. Wien.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), Nationale Minderheiten in Deutschland,;jsessionid=AF9623F00487BAC5840E6B450A9301E3.1_cid165?__blob=publicationFile (accessed on 06.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Qualitative Info
According to a research paper published by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), an estimated 3,8 – 4,3 million Muslims were living in Germany in 2009.
Next to the 45 per cent (1,7 – 2,0 million) of Muslims with a migration background having attained the German citizenship, the majority of Muslims in Germany are of Turkish citizenship (2,1 – 3,2 million). The second largest group are Muslims from Southeast Europe (355,000), while the remaining 353,000 stem from Iran, South /South-East Asia, Central Asia/CIS countries, the Middle East, North Africa and the rest of Africa. Estimates about Germans without a migration background that have converted to Islam range from 13,000 to 100,000.
Of the Muslims living in Germany the largest groups by religious practice are Sunni (74.1 %), Alevi (12.7 %) and Shiites (7.1 %).
Based on the estimate of the BAMF, the Muslim population amounts to 4.6 – 5.3 per cent of the total population living in Germany.
- Haug, S./ Müssig, S./ Stichs, A. (2009), Muslimisches Leben in Deutschland. Nürnberg: BAMF (Hrsg.), (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Muslims
- Religious minorities
Asylum status granted
In 2011, 7,098 persons were recognised as refugees according to the Geneva Convention (Art.16a GG und Familienasyl;Flüchtlingsschutz nach Art. 3 Asylverfahrensgesetz i.V.m. Art. 60 Abs. 1 AufenthG).
Number 7098 % on applications examined 16.4Qualitative Info
Recognition as refugees according to the Geneva Convention (Art.16a GG und Familienasyl;Flüchtlingsschutz nach Art. 3 Asylverfahrensgesetz i.V.m. Art. 60 Abs. 1 AufenthG):
Number(s):- 2008: 7,291
- 2009: 8,115
- 2010: 7,704
- 2011: 7,098
% on applications examined:
- 2008: 35.0 %
- 2009: 28.2 %
- 2010: 16.0 %
2011: 16.4 %
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI)/ Federal Office for Migrantion and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF), Migrationsbericht 2009,, Accessed on 03.01.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2009), Rund 22.000 Asylanträge im Jahr 2008 – deutlicher Anstieg irakischer Asylbewerber, Press Release, 31.01.2009,, Accessed 23.05.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2010), Rund 27.700 Asylanträge im Jahr 2009, Press Release, 21.01.2010,, Accessed on 23.05.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), 41.332 Asylanträge im Jahr 2010, Press Release, 17.01.2011,, Accessed on 03.01.2012.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2012), 45.741 Asylanträge im Jahr 2011, Press Release, 24.01.2012,, Accessed 23.05.2012.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Subsidiary protection status granted
Qualitative Info
Persons who received a subsidiary protection status, meaning they cannot be subject to the German return policy (Abschiebungsverbot):
2009: 1,611
2010: 2,691
2011: 2,577% on applications examined:
2009: 5.6 %
2010: 5.6 %
2011: 5.9 %
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2010), Rund 27.700 Asylanträge im Jahr 2009, Press Release, 21.01.2010, (accessed 23.05.2012).
Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2011), 41.332 Asylanträge im Jahr 2010, Press Release, 17.01.2011, (accessed on 03.01.2012). -
Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2012), 45.741 Asylanträge im Jahr 2011, Press Release, 24.01.2012, (accessed 23.05.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Unaccompanied minors inflow
Number 1948
Qualitative Info
Number of unaccompanied minors claiming asylum (first applications only)
2009: 899 (16+17 years old); 405 (under 16);
2010: 1,413 (16+17 years old); 535 (under 16)Statistics BAMF (31.12.2010); information on request
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Trafficking victims identified/protected
Qualitative Info
Cases of human trafficking registered: 2009: 884; 2010: 749
(crime statistics compiled by the police)
- for the purpose of sexual exploitation: 2009: 811; 2010: 621
- for the purpose of exploitation of labour: 2009: 24; 2010: 61
- support of human trafficking: 2009: 49; 2010: 67Cases of human trafficking registered 2011: 716
- for the purpose of sexual exploitation: 2011: 636
- for the purpose of exploitation of labour: 2011: 43
- support of human trafficking: 2011: 37
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI), Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2010,,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/pks2010ImkKurzbericht.pdf (accessed on 03.01.2012), p.58.
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, BMI) (2012), Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2011, (accessed on 23.05.2012), p.48/49.
Primary education population of foreign pupils
In the school year 2011/2012, 185,122 foreign pupils attended elementary schools
Number 185122Qualitative Info
According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, 185,122 foreign pupils attended elementary schools (Grundschulen) in the school year of 2011/12.
- Federal Statistical Office, (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Allgemeinbildende Schulen: Ausländische Schüler/innen nach Schularten, Schuljahr 2011/2012:, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of foreign pupils
In the school year 2011/2012, 123,141 foreign pupils attended the Hauptschule, 90,011 foreign pupils attended the Realschule, 105,141 foreign pupils attended the Gymnasium and 76,000 foreign pupils attended the Integrierte Gesamtschule 76,000 foreign pupils attended the Integrierte Gesamtschule.
Main groups n.a.Qualitative Info
Only the three main school forms for secondary education as well as the Integrierte Gesamtschule are listed in the following:
School year 2011/2012:
According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, 123,141 foreign pupils attended the Hauptschule in the school year of 2011/12. This amounts to 19.6 per cent of all pupils in this school form.
90,011 foreign pupils attended the Realschule in the school year of 2011/2012. This amounts to 8.0 per cent of all pupils in this school form.Gymnasien:
105,141 foreign pupils attended the Gymnasium in the school year of 2011/12. This amounts to 4.3 per cent of all pupils in this school form.
Integrierte Gesamtschulen:
76,000 foreign pupils attended the Integrierte Gesamtschule in the school year of 2011/2012. This amounts to 12 per cent of all pupils in this school form.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Allgemeinbildende Schulen: Ausländische Schüler/innen nach Staatsangehörigkeit , Schuljahr 2011/2012:, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education migrant background population
265,292 foreign students
Number 265292 % of general school population 12.5 Main groups n.a.Qualitative Info
According to data presented by the Federal Statistical Office, 265,292 foreign students were studying at German tertiary institutions. This amounts to 12.5 per cent of the total student population.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Studierende, 2011:, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)
881,450 foreign pupils attended institutions of primary or secondary education in the school year of 2011/12. 265,292 foreign pupils attended tertiary institutions.
Number 1146742 Main groups n.a.Qualitative Info
As there are no official numbers on pupils and students with a migration background, the following information only refers to foreigners.
According to data of the Federal Bureau of Statistics, a total of 881,450 foreign pupils attended institutions of primary or secondary education in the school year of 2011/12, amounting to 7.7 per cent of the total number of pupils.
In tertiary institutions, 265,292 or 12.5 per cent of students were foreigners in 2011, according to the Federal Bureau of Statistics.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Schulen, 2011/2012:, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
- Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis), Studierende, 2011:, Accessed on 08.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents
Qualitative Info
no information available
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents
Qualitative Info
no information available
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education Roma minority population
Qualitative Info
no information available
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools
Qualitative Info
no information available
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
General Population
Migration & Minority Economics
The fees for a residence permit are EUR 140, for the renewal EUR 100. The fees for a permanent residence permit are EUR 260. The fees for citizenship acquisition application for adults are EUR 255 for the acquisition of the German citizenship (plus max. EUR 51 for further charges and certificates). For children under the age of 18, who acquire the German citizenship alongside their parents, the fees constitute EUR 51.
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation
EUR 14,425 million
. 14425000Qualitative Info
2012: EUR 10 million; 2013: EUR 14,425 million
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2012), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 01/2012,;jsessionid=E3FFAB2DB2F9CDB807152D923069351B.1_cid244?__blob=publicationFile, Accessed on 24.05.2012.
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2012), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 02/2013,, Accessed on 09.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
European Integration Fund yearly allocation
EUR 18,289 million
. 18289000Qualitative Info
2012: EUR 16 million; 2013: EUR 18,289 million
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2011), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 2010/02,, Accessed on 10.01.2012.
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2012), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 02/2013:, Accessed on 09.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
European Return Fund yearly allocation
2013: EUR 7,578 million
. 7578000Qualitative Info
2012: EUR 5 million; 2013: EUR 7,578 million
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2011), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 2010/02,, Accessed on 10.01.2012.
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2012), EU-Fonds Infobrief, Ausgabe 02/2013:, Accessed on 09.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit
Qualitative Info
Fees for a residence permit: EUR 140 (Aufenthaltserlaubnis is a permission to stay, which is connected to a specific temporary purpose);
Costs for a renewal: EUR 100
A work permit is generally included in the residence permits (art. 4 AufenthG) without any additional cost.
- Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz, AufenthG), art. 69 AufenthG, (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit
Qualitative Info
Fees for permanent residence permit:
EUR 260 (Niederlassungserlaubnis means permanent residence permit)
EUR 260 (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG means permit for an unlimited period of stay without a designated purpose)
- Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz, AufenthG), art. 69 AufenthG, (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition application
Qualitative Info
Fees for citizenship acquisition application:
EUR 255 for the acquisition of the German citizenship (+ min. EUR 5 and max. EUR 51 for further charges and certificates)
EUR 51 for children under the age of 18 who acquire the German citizenship alongside their parent(s)
- Bavarian Ministry of the Interior (Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern), Einbürgerung, (accessed on 10.01.2012).
- Aktionsbüro Einbürgerung, (accessed on 10.01.2012).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation