According to the official figures of the Ministry of the Interior, during the first nine months of 2012 432 Anti-Semitic acts and threats, 140 Anti-Muslim acts and threats, 571 racist and xenophobe acts and threats were registered. In 2011 Public Defender of Rights, who replaced the High Commission Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE), received 1926 complaints on the ground of origin (23,5%). 431 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Penal Courts the same year.
Racist violence - Hate Speech Statistics
According to the official figures of the Ministry of the Interior, during the first nine months of 2012 432 Anti-Semitic acts and threats, 140 Anti-Muslim acts and threats, 571 racist and xenophobe acts and threats were registered. 431 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Penal Courts the same year.
Overall numbers of racist & hate crime
2012 Official figures of the Ministry of the Interior regarding racist violence (January-September): Anti-Semitism: 432 acts and threats, Anti-Muslim: 140 acts and threats, Racism and xenophobia: 571 acts and threats.
Numbers of cases 1143 Official or estimates officialQualitative Info
2012 Official figures of the Ministry of the Interior regarding racist violence (January-September): Anti-Semitism: 432 acts and threats, Anti-Muslim: 140 acts and threats, Racism and xenophobia: 571 acts and threats.
In 2011, the police recorded 170 racist and xenophobic actions and 695 threats, 129 anti-Semitic actions and 260 threats, 38 actions and 117 threats against Muslims.
In 2010 886 complaints on racism (165 on acts and 721 on threats), and 466 complaints on antisemitism (131 on acts and 335 on threats) were filed before the police (data of Ministry of Interior).
Between January and December 2010 the Prosecution Departments recorded 1797 cases of racism, 107 anti-religion cases and 125 anti-Semitism cases.
In 2009 1026 complaints on racism (220 on acts and 806 on threats), and 815 complaints on antisemitism (172 on acts and 643 on threats) were filed before the police (data of Ministry of Interior).
In 2009 tribunals recorded 3344 racist (2952), anti-religious (109) and anti-Semitic (283) crimes.
The Licra NGO recorded in 2009 804 incidents (320 racist insults, 213 discriminations, 45 racist violence, 48 defamations and 178 non-relevant incidents).
CNCDH Questionnaire for reporting on the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, 2012, not available on-line
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Roma & Travelers
- Muslims
- Ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
- Linguistic minorities
Type (R/D)
- Extremism - organised Racist Violence
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
- Islamophobia
- Afrophobia
- Arabophobia
- Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
- Religious intolerance
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Anti-racism
Qualitative Info
On March 19, 2012, three children and a rabbi were killed at a Jewish school in Toulouse (South West of France) by Mohamed Merah. Earlier he also killed three French paratroopers and critically wounded another. There isn’t another data available for 2011.
- Le Monde, 20.03.2012, De Montauban à Toulouse, la piste d'un même tueur se confirme,, Accessed on 20.03.2012.
- BBC News, 20.03.2012, Shootings in Toulouse and Montauban: What we know,, Accessed on 20.03.2012.
Groups affected/interested
- Ethnic minorities
- Majority
Type (R/D)
- Anti-semitism
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-racism
Court cases on racist - hate crime
In 2009 tribunals registered 3344 cases of racist, anti-religious and anti-Semitic crimes, in 2008 4117 cases were registered.
Qualitative Info
In 2009 tribunals registered 3344 cases of racist, anti-religious and anti-Semitic crimes, in 2008 4117 cases were registered.
In 2008, the following racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic offences resulted in convictions (last available data):
- Attacks against a cadaver and profanation of graves-7
- Damage to property-19
- Violence against persons-94
- Acts of Discrimination - 17
- Insults and public and private libels including on the Internet - 541
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Roma & Travelers
- Muslims
- Ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
Type (R/D)
- Extremism - organised Racist Violence
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
- Anti-semitism
- Islamophobia
- Afrophobia
- Arabophobia
- Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
- Religious intolerance
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Anti-racism
Overall numbers of racist & hate crime
Discrimination Statistics
In 2011 Public Defender of Rights, who replaced the High Commission Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE), received 1926 complaints on the ground of origin (23,5%). 431 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Penal Courts the same year. In 2012 the ECHR examined 2 complaints relying on Article 14 of the Convention (Chabauty/France, Gas and Dubois/France), but it concluded that there had been no violation of Article 14. The same year the European Committee of Social Rights has found a violation of the Revised Charter in the case European Roma and Travellers Forum against France.
Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court
In 2011 Public Defender of Rights, who replaced the High Commission Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE) , received 1926 complaints on the ground of origin (23,5%).
Numbers of cases 1926Qualitative Info
In 2011 Public Defender of Rights, who replaced the High Commission Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE) , received 1926 complaints on the ground of origin (23,5%). The number of complaints declined (in 2010 the HALDE received 3343 complaints on the ground of origin (27%), in 2009 - 3009 complaints). People are still struggling to identify the Public Defender of Rights as the new institution to fight against discrimination.
- Public Defender of Rights, 2011, Annual report 2011,, Accessed on 10.12.2012
Groups affected/interested
- Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D)
- Intra-ethnic
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-racism
External Url
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Number of cases where ethnic discrimination was found/established by Equality Body/Agency/Court
In 2011 431 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Penal Courts.
In 2010 567 condemnations were pronounced. In 2010 HALDE found there was discrimination on the ground of origin in 5 cases.
Qualitative Info
Number of condemnations pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Penal Courts in 2010/2011:
- Condemnations including a racist offence - 567/431
- Condemnation related to racist offence, as main offence - 397/285
- Condemnations related to racist offence only - 298/210
In 2010 HALDE found there was discrimination on the ground of origin in 5 cases. In 4 cases the HALDE made the observations to courts and an on-site inspection by the regional delegate was made in one case.
- CNCDH questionnaire for reporting on the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, 2012, not available on-line
- HALDE, 2011, Annual report 2010,, Accessed on 22.01.2013
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Anti-racism
Cases solved / corrected / settled
The HALDE notes in its annual report that there were positives outcomes following its 5 decisions concerning discrimination on the ground of origin in 2010.
In 2010 567 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Criminal Courts.
Qualitative Info
The HALDE notes in its annual report that there were positives outcomes following its 5 decisions concerning the discrimination on the ground of origin in 2010.
In 2010 567 condemnations were pronounced for racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offences by Criminal Courts
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Anti-racism
Sanctions imposed / compensations / awards attributed-received
Outcomes of the Halde's decisions: mostly observations to courts. The Criminal Court issued decisions concerning mainly imprisonment and fines regarding racist, anti-Semitic and anti-religious matters.
Qualitative Info
In 2010 HALDE found there was discrimination on the ground of origin in 5 cases. In 4 cases the HALDE made the observations to courts and an on-site inspection by the regional delegate was made in one case.
In 2010 the Criminal Court issued decisions ordering mainly imprisonment and finess (from 200 to 8000 euros) regarding racist, anti-Semitic and anti-religious matters. There were 567 condemnations including a racist offence; 397 condemnations related to racist offence as main offence; 298 condemnations related to racist offence only.
FRANET Annual Report 2011
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Anti-racism
ECtHR cases - decisions art.14 etc.
In 2012 the ECHR examined 2 complaints relying on Article 14 of the Convention (Chabauty/France, Gas and Dubois/France), but it concluded that there had been no violation of Article 14.
Numbers of cases 2Qualitative Info
In 2012 the ECHR examined 2 complaints relying on Article 14 of the Convention (Chabauty/France, Gas and Dubois/France), but it concluded that there had been no violation of Article 14.
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Cases - investigations before other EU and international bodies (European Committee for Social Rights - UN HRC - CAT etc.)
European Committee of Social Rights has found a violation of the Revised Charter in the case European Roma and Travellers Forum against France and in the case Médécins du Monde International against France.
Qualitative Info
European Committee of Social Rights has found a violation of the Revised Charter in the case European Roma and Travellers Forum against France (decision of the merits of 24.01.2012): Article E (non discrimination) was violated in conjunction with article 19 § 8 (guarantees concerning deportation), 30 (right to protection against poverty and social exclusion), 31 §§1, 2, 3 (right to housing), 16 (right of the family to social, legal and economic protection).
A violation of the Revised Charter was also found in the case Médécins du Monde International against France (decision on the merits of 11.09.2012): Article E (non discrimination) was violated in conjunction with Article 31§1, 30 and 16 (too limited access to housing of an adequate standard and degrading housing conditions for migrant Roma lawfully resident or working regularly in France); Article 31§2 and 19§8 (because of the eviction procedure of migrant Roma from the sites where they are installed); Article 31§2 (lack of sufficient measures to provide emergency accommodation and reduce homelessness of migrant Roma); Article 17§2 (the French education system is not sufficiently accessible); Article 11§1 (difficulties of access to health care for migrant Roma, whatever their residence status), Article 11§2 (lack of information and awareness-raising and of counseling and screening on health issues towards migrant Roma), Article 11§3 (lack of prevention of diseases and accidents of migrant Roma); Article 13§1 and § 4 (lack of medical assistance).
- European Committee of Social Rights, 24.01.2012, Decision of the merits,, Accessed on 07.01.2013
- European Committee of Social Rights, 11.09.2012, Decision on the merits,, Accessed on 31.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Housing
- Education
- Anti-discrimination
- Daily life
Decisions-Infringment procedures initiated before the European Court of Justice
In 2011 France was condemned by the European Court of Justice as it failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 43 EC by imposing a nationality requirement for access to the profession of notary.
Qualitative Info
Under the judgement of May 24, 2011 in the case European Commission c. France, the European Court of Justice declared that, by imposing a nationality requirement for access to the profession of notary, the French Republic failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 43 EC.
Type (R/D)
- Nationalism
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court