The total population is 838,897. Out of these 75,4% are Greek Cypriots, 10% Turkish Cypriots and the rest are minorites. EU and third country nationals are 179,547. There are 25,388 foreign children in education, plus 465 Turkish speaking children (some of which are Roma).
Costs for applying for citizenship or for entry/work permits are minimal (17,08 and 34,17 respectively) but cost of applying for long term residence is 427,15.
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
When Cyprus first introduced an asylum regime 2002, numbers of asylum applications rose sharply especially around 2004, during which there were 9,872 applications. The number gradually fell and in 2011 there were only 184, as a result of various policies implemented to discourage prospective applicants. At the end of 2010, there were 45 unaccompanied minors seeking asylum; at the end of 2009, 34 plus 2 undocumented children; in 2008, there were 127 minors seeking asylum.
General Population
Number 838897Qualitative Info
Acocrding to the census of 2011, the total population is 838,897.
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Migrant Population (official/estimates)
112,424 EU nationals and 67,123 third country nationals (total 179,547 foreign nationals).
Number 179547 Official or estimates Official Main groups Vietnamese, Philippinos, Russians, Greeks, RomaniansQualitative Info
According to the 2011 census, there are 112,424 EU nationals and 67,123 third country nationals residing in Cyprus, totalling 179,547 foreign nationals.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Valid Residence permits
In 2011, a total of 70,437 permits to third country nationals were in force.
Number(s) 70437 Main groups Vietnamese, Philippinos, Greeks, RomaniansQualitative Info
On 18.05.2011 there were 70,437 permits to third country nationals in force (Source: Ministry of Interior).
On 20.12.2011 the number of EU nationals with a valid residence permit were 102,779. On 13.03.2012 this number rose to 110,375, i.e. an increase by 7,596.
In 2009, a total of 11,675 long term residence permits had been issued.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Capital city's general population
Number 325756 % of country 38.83Qualitative Info
According to the Preliminary Results of the Census of Population, 2011, on 01/10/2011 the population of Nicosia was 325,756. The total population of Cyprus according to the same census was on the same date 838,897.Groups affected/interested
- Majority
Capital city's migrant/refugee population
In 2011 there were 61,535 foreign (including EU) citizens in Nicosia
Number 61535 % of general population 3.7 Official or estimates official Main groups Greek nationals, British nationalsQualitative Info
The 2011 population census does not contain a special category for migrant workers. A category entitled "foreign citizens" (including EU citizens) is recorded as consisting of 61,535 persons in the capital (Nicosia), i.e. a percentage of 18.9% of the city's population. This category includes, in addition to migrant workers, the retirees from northern Europe and the executive officers of international companies, which are estimated to be under 10% of the total foreign population of the city.
The largest nationality group are the Greek nationals, who were recorded in the census to be 31,044 (17% of the total foreign population) for the whole of Cyprus. The second category are British nationals who wee recorded to be 26,659 (14.8% of the total foreign population) In this category, the data is not aggregated by district..
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Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow
In 2011, 184 asylum applications were received.
Number 184Qualitative Info
asylum applicatons received
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
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Quotas for admission/entry for employment
No quotas apply
Qualitative Info
There are no quotas in place. A priority-based system is in place which accords first priority in employment to Cypriots and EU nationals and then to nationals from acceding countries, followed by third country nationals who can be employed in specified economic sectors and under strict criteria. Applications for work permits and visas must be made from outside Cyprus. Work permits are granted, as a matter of last priority, to asylum seekers and foreign university students who have been studying in Cyprus for three year courses and may work only upon completion of their first year of study.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
Overall Settled Minorities' Population
Around 98250, including Turkish-Cypriots residing in the area administered by the Turkish Cypriots (north Cyprus).
Number 98250 Official or estimates BothQualitative Info
% of total population
Latins (Roman Catholics)
Source: 2009 Demographic report of the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus ( except for the figures for Roma which are taken from a government submission to the FCNM Advisory Committee in October 2006.
*The figure is an estimate of the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus and refers to Turkish Cypriots residing in the area administered by the Turkish Cypriots (north Cyprus).
** The figure refers to Roma residing in the area controlled by the Republic of Cyprus. The Roma are seen as forming part of the Turkish Cypriot community and were only recently (in 2009) granted by the Cypriot government minority status under the Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities. Regarding the Roma residing in the north (Turkish controlled) part of Cyprus, these are likely to be included in the estimate provided for the Turkish Cypriots.
Groups affected/interested
- Ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
Roma & Travellers' population
Official or estimates EstimatesQualitative Info
Different sources give different estimates about the number of Roma residing in the Republic controlled area of Cyprus (south). Two governmental officers interviewd for the purposes of RAXEN Thematic Study on the Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers (March 2009) gave two different estimates: an officer from the Department of Turkish-Cypriot Properties at the Ministry of Interior put the figure up to 710. Another oficer of the Ministry of Interior estimated the Roma to be between 620-650. The Third ECRI report on Cyprus published in 2006 refers to 619 Roma; the Fourth ECRI report published in 2011 refers to 760 Roma, quoting an unnamed governmental source.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
From 89200 to 142000.
Qualitative Info
The World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples ( estimates the sunny muslims in Cyprus to be 18% of the population.
This figure presumably represents the Turkish Cypriot community, which according to this source amounts to 142,000 (18% of the total population), as opposed to 89,200 (10% of the total population) estimated by the Republic’s Statistical Service. The difference in the two figures perhaps lies with the fact that the Republic of Cyprus does not recognise as Turkish Cypriots those persons of Turkish origin who were granted nationality by the unrecognised ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ in the post – war period. There are very few Muslims in Cyprus who are not Turkish Cypriots.
Groups affected/interested
- Muslims
- Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D)
- Islamophobia
Asylum status granted
In 2011, no asylum status was granted.
Number 0Qualitative Info
Recognized refugees
Source: Asylum Service of the Ministry of the Interior (
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
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Subsidiary protection status granted
In 2011 no subsidiary protection status was granted.
Number 0Qualitative Info
Subsidiary protection
Source: Asylum service of the Ministry of the Interior
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
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Unaccompanied minors inflow
At the end of the year in 2010, the number of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum was 45 (17 girls and 28 boys).
Number 45Qualitative Info
No data is available as regards the inflow of unaccompanied minors. The Social Welfare Services of the Ministry of Labour has supplied (by their letter dated 01.11.2011) the following data upon request:
At the end of the year in 2010, the number of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum was 45 (17 girls and 28 boys) plus one boy permitted to stay for humanitarian reasons. The majority (10 children) came from Cameroon and six came from Iraq.
At the end of the year 2009, there were 34 unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Cyprus (21 girls and 13 boys) plus two undocumented (one boy and one girl). The majority (7 of them) came from Syria and 5 came from Congo.
In 2008 there were 127 unaccompanied minors (22 girls and 105 boys). The majority (65) came from Syria, 36 came from Iran and 12 from Nigeria.
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Trafficking victims identified/protected
During 2010, the government identified 17 victims of forced labor, 24 sex trafficking victims, and two victims subjected to both labor and commercial sexual exploitation (total 43 persons).
Number 43Qualitative Info
During 2010, the government identified 17 victims of forced labor, 24 sex trafficking victims, and two victims subjected to both labor and commercial sexual exploitation, in comparison with 21 such victims identified in 2009 and 41 in 2008. Reports claim that the Cypriot government has yet to fully implement its commitment to institute proactive victim identification procedures for use by all front-line responders in Cyprus (see U.S. Trafficking in persons report released in 2011:
There are NGO claims that hundreds if not thousands of trafficked victims go unidentified and thus unprotected, some of whom are deported.
No figures are available yet for 2011.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
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Primary education population of foreign pupils
In total, 11427 foreign pupils for the year 2009-2010.
Number 11427 Main groups British, Greeks of Pontos, Greeks fromGreece, RussiansQualitative Info
The Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded the following number of foreign pupils in primary education for the year 2009-2010:
4,171 from EU countries (main groups: British 918, Greeks of Pontos 869, Greeks 698)
7,256 from third countries (main groups: Russians 667, Georgians 519, Iraquis 254)
11427 TOTAL
The Annual reports of the Ministry of Education record the following in relation to the population of the 347 Greek-Cypriot primary schools: in 2006 the school population included a percentage of 6.7% of ‘foreign’/‘other-language’ pupils, 7.3% in 2007, and 9% in 2009; for the school year 2010-11 this percentage rosen to 12%.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of foreign pupils
Totally 9406 foreign pupils for the year 2009/2010.
Number 9406Qualitative Info
The Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded the following foreign pupils in secondary education for the year 2009/2010:
3,687 EU citizens (main groups: 1,024 Greeks of Pontos, 949 British, 829 Greeks)
5,719 third country nationals (main groups: Russians 615, Ukrainians 225, Iraquis 149)
9,406 TOTAL
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education migrant background population
In total, 4555 foreign students for the year 2009/2010.
Number 4555 Main groups Greeks, Indians, Chinese, RussiansQualitative Info
The Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded the following figures as regards the migrant school population in tertiary education for the year 2009-2010:
In public tertiary education institutions: EU nationals 1210 (main groups: Greeks 1107, Polish 27, Spaniards 12)
Ditto : Third country nationals 61 (main groups: Albanians 15, Iranians 12, Russians 8)In private tertiary education institutions: EU nationals 448 (main groups: 209 Greeks, 77 Bulgarians, 26 British)
Ditto : Third country nationals 2836 (main groups: 211 Indians, 120 Chinese, 114 Russians)TOTAL: 4,555
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)
The total of the figures published by the Statistical Service of the Republic for the year 2009/2010 for foreign school children in all three levels of education is 25388. The term 'foreign' includes both EU citizens and third country nationals.
Number 25388 Main groups Greeks of Pontos (587); Greeks from Greece (392); British (345); Romanians (282)Qualitative Info
The total of the figures published by the Statistical Service of the Republic for the year 2009/2010 for foreign school children in all three levels of education is 25388. The term 'foreign' includes both EU citizens and third country nationals.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Type (R/D)
- Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents
There are no separate statistical records for the Romani children, as they are deemed to belong to the Turkish Cypriot community. For the year 2009/2010 the Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded 158 Turkish Cypriot students in primary education.
Number 158 Main groups Turkish speakers including the RomaQualitative Info
There are no separate statistical records for the Romani children, as they are deemed to belong to the Turkish Cypriot community. For the year 2009/2010 the Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded 158 Turkish Cypriot students in primary education.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents
There are no figures about Roma children in particular, as they are deemed to be part of the Turkish Cypriot community. According to the Statistical Service of the Republic, the number of Turkish Cypriot pupils in secondary education in the year 2009/2010 is 246.
Number 246 Main groups Turkish speakers including the RomaQualitative Info
There are no figures about Roma children in particular, as they are deemed to be part of the Turkish Cypriot community. According to the Statistical Service of the Republic, the number of Turkish Cypriot pupils in secondary education in the year 2009/2010 is 246.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education Roma minority population
Romani students are not classified separately but only as part of the Turkish Cypriot community. Thus the only figures available concern Turkish Cypriot students (including the Roma). For the year 2009-2010 the Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded 61 Turkish Cypriot students in tertiary education.
Number 61 Main groups Turkish speakers including the RomaQualitative Info
Romani students are not classified separately but only as part of the Turkish Cypriot community. Thus the only figures available concern Turkish Cypriot students (including the Roma). For the year 2009-2010 the Statistical Service of the Republic has recorded 61 Turkish Cypriot students in tertiary education.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools
The statistical service of the Republic has recorded a total of 465 Turkish Cypriot students (the figure includes an unidentified number of Romani children) in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions, both private and public for the year 2009/2010.
Number 465 Main groups Turkish speakers including the RomaQualitative Info
No official figures are available for the number of Romani children in education, as the Roma are deemed by the government to be a part of the Turkish Cypriot community. The statistical service of the Republic has recorded a total of 465 Turkish Cypriot students (the figure includes an unidentified number of Romani children) in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions, both private and public for the year 2009/2010.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
General Population
Migration & Minority Economics
The Cypriot government declined to make available the funds allocated each year from the European Refugee Fund, the European Integration Fund and the European Return Fund.
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation
No figures are available.
Qualitative Info
The competent Ministry, which is the Ministry of Interior, could not provide the relevant figures.
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European Integration Fund yearly allocation
No figures were made available.
Qualitative Info
The competent Ministry, which is the Ministry of Interior, could not provide the relevant figures.
See other countriesSee indicator history -
European Return Fund yearly allocation
No figures were made available.
Qualitative Info
The competent Ministry, which is the Ministry of Interior, could not provide the relevant figures.
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Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit
Qualitative Info
In general, given that third country nationals must be obtain a entry/work permit before they are permitted to enter Cyprus, the fee involved in securing these permits is relatively low. As soon as they arrive, all third country nationals must register with the immigration authorities. The fee for such registration is €34,17. Same fee must be paid for every renewal of such registration.
An entry permit fee of €34.17 + plus a bank guarantee letter must be provided in order for the residence/work permit to be issued. The bank guarantee amount is €341,72 for persons from Arab countries, €512,58 for Eastern Europeans and €854,30 for Asians. The amount is based on the (perceived) cost of the air ticket for repatriating the employee. The guarantee must be valid for over 1 year after the employment contract expires.
Spouses of Cypriot citizens are also required to register (paying the fee of 34,17) and renew this registration, paying the same fee again. For couples without children, a bank guarantee is also required, as above.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
Cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit
Qualitative Info
For the years 2011-2012, applications for the status of the long term migrant must be accompanied by €427,15.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
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Cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition application
Qualitative Info
An application for the acquisition of citizenship due to marriage with a Cypriot or for naturalisation must be stamped with 2 stamps of €8,54 each, i.e. total €17.08.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
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European Refugee Fund yearly allocation