About 70 per cent of migrants living in ethnic segregated neigbourhoods did not have an income from work. People with incomes below the relative poverty line (60 percent of median income) were overrepresented in ethnic migrant segregated neighborhoods.
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
The population of Sweden at the end of 2011, was 9,482 855. About 7 percent of Sweden's population today has a foreign-born parent, and 4 percent have two foreign-born parents. On 31 December 2010 the total population of migrants in Sweden was 1 384 929 people. The majority of migrants live in the three largest cities, Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg. In 2011 the number of asylum seekers was 29648. According to reports from the Swedish Migration Board, about 2,657 unaccompanied children came to Sweden during 2011. in a few years, the proportion of unaccompanied minors has increased from 2 to 10% of the total number of asylum seekers.
General Population
At the end of 2012, the general population in Sweden was 9 551 781
Number 9551781Qualitative Info
The population of Sweden increased from 9.482 855 in 2011 to 9 551 781 at the end of 2012. The percentage increase from January to October 2012 compared with last year was 1.2 percent.
- Statistiska centralbyrån, 30.11.2012, http://www.scb.se/Pages/Product____25785.aspx (accessed 26.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Majority
External Url www.scb.se
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Migrant Population (official/estimates)
The total migrant population in Sweden on 31 December 2011 was 1 857 549 people.
Number 1857549 Official or estimates officialQualitative Info
The migrant population is defined as foreign born or native-born with two foreign born parents. Of the 1 857 549 migrant population in Sweden in 2012, 915 987 are men and 941 562 are women.
Souce: Statististic Sweden 30.12.2012, available at: http://www.scb.se (Accessed on 26.01.2013).Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url www.scb.se
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Valid Residence permits
In 2012, the Swedish Migration Board and the Migration Courts issued 111090 valid residence permits.
Number(s) 111090Qualitative Info
Residence permits because of asylum, In need of protection: 9095
Residence permits, refugees (UN Convention): 4617
Residence permit because of asylum, particularly distressing circumstances: 1328
Asylum - Temporary permits: 50
Quota refugees: 1853
Family reunification of spouse/cohabitor: 7897
Family reunification of spouse/cohabitor (labour market): 9679
Family reunification of spouse/cohabitor (students): 615
EU/EEA residence permits: 25501
Residence permits because of work: 19936
Residence permits because of education: 7092
Family members and adopted children: 22965
Impediments to enforcement: 462
Total granted residence permits and registered residence rights, first and second instance in 2012: 111090
- The Swedish Migration Board, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.43648b4513b902d42692f60/Beviljade+uppeh%C3%A5llstillst%C3%A5nd+och+registrerade+uppeh%C3%A5llsr%C3%Atter+2012.pdf (accessed 26.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Capital city's general population
The Stockholm county had a polulation of 2 091 473 at the end of 2011.
Number 2091473 % of country 22.0553Qualitative Info
Total general population in Stockholm County 2011: 2 091 473
- Statistics Sweden, http://www.scb.se/Pages/TableAndChart____308469.aspx, (accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Majority
External Url http://www.scb.se/Pages/TableAndChart____308469.aspx
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Capital city's migrant/refugee population
The number of people with a migrant (foreign) background living in Stockholm County at the end of 2011 was 604 587 people.
Number 604587 Official or estimates officialQualitative Info
The total of people with a migrant (foreign) background living in Stockholm County at the end of 2011.
Stockholm County2011
Foreign born
Born in Sweden with two foreign born parents
Total migrants in Stockholm County 2011
604 587
- Statistics Sweden, 31.05.2012, http://www.scb.se/Pages/ProductTables.aspx?id=25809 (accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url http://www.scb.se/Pages/ProductTables.aspx?id=25809
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow
In 2012 the Swedish Migration Board received 43887 asylum applications.
Number 43887 Main groups Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Serbia, EritreaQualitative Info
Applications for asylum received by the Swedish Migration Board 2012
Of which male
Of which female
The main groups seeking asylum in 2012.
- The Swedish Migration Board, 02.01.2013, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.43648b4513b902d42692f62/Inkomna+ans%C3%B6kningar+om+asyl+2012+-+Applications+for+asylum+received+2012.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
- The Swedish Migration Board, 03.01.2013, http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/5201.html (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
Quotas for admission/entry for employment
In 2012, 16543 residence permits were given to people from outside EU/EEA which is an increase of 12% from 2011.
Qualitative Info
Work permits granted, 2012 people from outside EU/EEA according to occupation/skills
Elementary occupations
Service workers and shop sales workers
Technicians and associate professionals
Craft and related trades workers
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
Legislators, senior officials and managers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Armed forces
- Statistics Sweden, 04.01.2013, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.95fff51133976f7baf800045481/Beviljade+arbetstillst%C3%A5nd+2012+-+Work+permits+granted+2012.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
Overall Settled Minorities' Population
The five recognised national minorities in Sweden are the Roma, Swedish Finns, Tornedalers, Sami and Jews. There are only estimates of the overall settled Minorities' Population in Sweden (slightly more than half a million).
Qualitative Info
According to figures from a report published by The Swedish National Institute of Public Health (Folkhälsoinstitutet) there are slightly more than half a million people in Sweden estimated to belong to the national minorities - Swedish Finns, Sami, Roma, Tornedalers and Jews (Public Health Policy Report 2010- public health of the future – everyone’s responsibility, http://www.fhi.se/PageFiles/10555/R2010-16-folkhalsopolitisk-rapport-2010.pdf. p. 44). Accessed 2012-03-10
Groups affected/interested
- National minorities
External Url http://www.fhi.se/PageFiles/10555/R2010-16-folkhalsopolitisk-rapport-2010.pdf
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Roma & Travellers' population
About 50,000.
Number 50000 Official or estimates estimateQualitative Info
The Roma minority of Sweden is estimated to 50.000, including five major groups defined by their respective period of arrival in Sweden. The number of Roma has grown substantially during the past decades primarily because of immigration from new EU member states and from the wars in former Yugoslavia. About half of the Swedish Roma minority are represented by the Swedish Travellers, a Roma group with roots in Roma arriving in the 16th century, the rest arriving at later stages. Today, the Roma have the status of a national minority in Sweden.
Source: Romers rätt – en strategi för romer i Sverige, Betänkande av Delegationen för romska frågor, Stockholm, SOU 2010:55, http://www.levandehistoria.se/files/66e467ad.pdf
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
- Anti-roma/ romaphobia
External Url http://www.levandehistoria.se/files/66e467ad.pdf
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Not available.
Qualitative Info
Muslims are a category that is not included in the population statistics. The (1998:204) Act on Personal Information (Personuppgiftslagen) contains the general rules on the right to register personal information. There is a general prohibition to register (among other things) such “sensitive personal information” as ethnicity, religion or other belief and information concerning health and sexual life including sexual orientation." Therefore it’s not easy to assess how many muslims are in Sweden.
Source: Personuppgiftslagen (1998:204), http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19980204.htm
Groups affected/interested
- Muslims
Type (R/D)
- Islamophobia
External Url http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19980204.htm
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Asylum status granted
In 2012, asylum seekers that received refugee status according to international protection (Convention refugees) were 3745 people.
Number 3745 % on applications examined 10.2 Main groups Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Serbia, EritreaQualitative Info
Table: Asylum decisions granted by the Swedish Migration Board in 2012
Children in a family
Unaccompanied children
Convention refugees
- The Swedish Migration Board, 21.01.2013, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.43648b4513b902d42692f5c/Avgjorda+asyl%C3%A4renden+2012+-+Asylum+desicions+2012.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
External Url http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/5357.html
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Subsidiary protection status granted
In 2012, there were 8831 refugees who were granted subsidiary protection in Sweden at the first instance, that is to say the Swedish Migration Board.
Number 8831 % on applications examined 24 Main groups Syria, Somalia, Afganistan and Eritrea.Qualitative Info
Asylum seekers granted residence permit due to subsidiary protection in Sweden
Residence permits because of asylum, In need of protection
Residence permit because of asylum, particularly distressing circumstances
Asylum - Temporary permits
Total asylum seekers granted residence permit due to subsidiary protection in Sweden
- The Swedish Migration Board, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.43648b4513b902d42692f5c/Avgjorda+asyl%C3%A4renden+2012+-+Asylum+desicions+2012.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
Unaccompanied minors inflow
According to reports from the Swedish Migration Board, about 1882 unaccompanied children came to Sweden during 2012.
Number 1882Qualitative Info
Asylum decisions, unaccompanied minors, Swedish Migration Board, 2012
Unaccompanied minors
Convention refugee
In need of protection
Particularly distressing circumstances
Other, for example temporary residence permit
- Swedish Migration Board, http://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.43648b4513b902d42692f5c/Avgjorda+asyl%C3%A4renden+2012+-+Asylum+desicions+2012.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
Trafficking victims identified/protected
In 2011, the number of identified victims of trafficking for sexual purposes were 35 and in 2012 the preliminary number is 21.
Number 21 Main groups Eastern EuropeQualitative Info
Human trafficking for sexual purposes 2011 and 2012
2012 (preliminary)
Children under 18 years
A person 18 years or older
- The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebygganderådet), http://www.bra.se/bra/bra-in-english/home/crime-and-statistics/crime-statistics/statistical-tables.html (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url http://www.bra.se/bra/bra-in-english/home/crime-and-statistics/crime-statistics/statistical-tables.html
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Primary education population of foreign pupils
It is difficult to assess the number of pupils in primary education with a foreign background since Sweden is restrictive in providing official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
As regards the main groups of pupils in primary education with a foreign background, there are some indications from Statistic Sweden (SCB) based on citizenship and country of birth that shows that the main groups are from Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Somalia.
[1] Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) 13 § http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM (accessed 2012-03-10).
Statistic Sweden (Statistiska Central Byrån, SCB), http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf (accessed 2012-03-10).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
External Url http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Secondary education population of foreign pupils
The number of first-year students in upper secondary school, with a foreign background is 45 634.
Qualitative Info
Statistic Sweden published the report; Integration – foreign born persons in upper secondary school in 2011. The results show that the number of first-year students in upper secondary school, with a foreign background are 45 634. The number for students with a native swedish background is 751 113. (p. 43, Table 4.1), http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf.
The number of students leaving with a certificate from upper secondary school shows that 83 % of native born Swedish students complete their upper secondary school with a certificate, while 76 % of students with a foreign background leave upper secondary school with a certificate (p. 45, table 4.2), http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf
SCB, Integration – utrikesfödda i gymnasieskolan (Statistics Sweden, Integration – foreign born persons in upper secondary school)
http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf (accessed 2012-03-11).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
External Url http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/LE0105_2011A01_BR_BE57BR1101.pdf
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Tertiary education migrant background population
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204). Therefore it is difficult to find data on the tertiary education of pupil with a migrant background.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)
There are only estimates of the total pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (147,824). Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204).
Number 147824Qualitative Info
Upper Secondary School
born in Sweden, no parent born in Sweden
33 122
born abroad country, at least one parent born in Sweden
4 661
born abroad, no parent born in Sweden
31 858
Higher education
born in Sweden, no parent born in Sweden
19 099
born abroad, at least one parent born in Sweden
4 795
born abroad, no parent born in Sweden
54 289
- Statistics Sweden, http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/le0102_2006a01_br_be51st0702.pdf (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
External Url http://www.scb.se/statistik/_publikationer/le0102_2006a01_br_be51st0702.pdf
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents
There is no data about the primary education population of pupils with Roma parents.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
Groups affected/interested
- National minorities
External Url www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents
There is no data about the secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
[1] Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) 13 § http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM (accessed 2012-03-10).
External Url www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Tertiary education Roma minority population
There is no data about the tertiary Roma minority population.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
[1] Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) 13 § http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM (accessed 2012-03-10).
External Url http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools
There is no data on the total pupils of Roma parents in schools. Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth.
Qualitative Info
Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.
[1] Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) 13 § http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM (accessed 2012-03-10).
Groups affected/interested
- National minorities
External Url http://www.notisum.se/rnp/SLS/lag/19980204.HTM
See other countriesSee indicator history
General Population
Migration & Minority Economics
The Swedish ESF Council is a government agency under the Ministry of Labour, responsible for managing the Social Fund and the Integration Fund. The European Return Fund yearly allocation is administered by the Swedish Migration Board and the average budget in 2007 was; 241 706 000 SEK (27 037 042 Euros).
The Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit is 2000 SEK (224 Euros).
The cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit is SEK 1000 (112.540 Euros) for adults and SEK 500 (56.2701 Euros) for children under the age of 18.
The cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition is SEK 1 500 (169 euros).
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation
In 2012 the budget for the period 2013 was administered as follows: The total amount that was budgeted was approximately 100 million SEK (11,839,060 EUR as of 18.2.2013 exchange rate).
. 11839060Qualitative Info
In 2012 the budget for the period 2013 was administered as follows: The total amount that was budgeted was approximately 100 million SEK (11,839,060 EUR as of 18.2.2013 exchange rate).
Source: The Swedish Migration Board, http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/400.html (Accessed 27.01.2013).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
External Url http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/400.html
See other countriesSee indicator history -
European Integration Fund yearly allocation
The European Integration Fund yearly allocation in Sweden is administered by the Swedish ESF Council (Svenska ESF-rådet). The Council received around 140 million SEK (15 660 289 Euros) during the program period 2007-2013.
Qualitative Info
The Swedish ESF Council is a government agency under the Ministry of Labour, responsible for managing Socialfonden (the Social Fund) and Integrationsfonden (the Integration Fund) in Sweden.
The Council received around 140 million SEK (15 660 289 Euros) during the program period 2007-2013. For 2010 and 2011, Sweden's average was increased compared to the previous distribution. The reason is that Sweden has had a high immigration of third country nationals as compared to other members states.
The Swedish ESF Council, http://www.esf.se/sv/english/The-swedish-ESF-council/ (accessed 2012-03-10).
The Budget Bill 2012, Integration and Equality, p. 24, http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/17/55/29/a8a1876c.pdf (accessed 2012-03-10).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Integration - social cohesion
External Url http://www.esf.se/sv/english/The-swedish-ESF-council/
See other countriesSee indicator history -
European Return Fund yearly allocation
The European Return Fund yearly allocation is administered by the Swedish Migration Board. In 2012 the budget for the European Refugee Fund together with the European Return Fund for the period 2013 is 24 Million Euro (215 Million SEK).
. 24000000Qualitative Info
The European Return Fund yearly allocation is administered by the Swedish Migration Board. In 2012 the budget for the European Refugee Fund together with the European Return Fund for the period 2013 is 24 Million Euro (215 Million SEK).
- Ministry of Justice, Budget for migration policies 2013, 20.09.2012, http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/9685/a/110965 (Accessed 27.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
External Url http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/9685/a/110965
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit
The Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit is 2000 SEK (224 Euros).
. 224Qualitative Info
Source: The Swedish Migration Board,
http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/2325.html (accessed 2012-03-10).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Asylum seekers
External Url www.migrationsverket.se, http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/2325.html
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit
The cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit is SEK 1000 (112.540 Euros) for adults and SEK 500 (56.2701 Euros) for children under the age of 18.
. 112.540Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/2586_en.html
See other countriesSee indicator history -
Cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition application
The cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition is SEK 1 500 (169 euros).
Qualitative Info
The cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition is SEK 1 500 (169 euros).
- The Swedish Migrations Board, http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/1124_en.html, Accessed 27.01.2013.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
External Url http://www.migrationsverket.se/info/1124_en.html
See other countriesSee indicator history
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation