Slovenia has the population of approximately 2 million people, migrants representing around 4 % of the population. There are two officially recognized minorities in Slovenia (Italian and Hungarian). Roma are recognized as a special ethnic group. The estimation of the number of Roma in Slovenia is between 7.000 and 12.000 (0,5 % of the population).

  • Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics

    Slovenia has the population of approximately 2 million people, migrants representing around 4 % of the population. There are two officially recognized minorities in Slovenia (Italian and Hungarian). Roma are recognized as a special ethnic group. The estimation of the number of Roma in Slovenia is between 7.000 and 12.000 (0,5 % of the population). Since 1995 until the end of 2011, 202 refugee statuses were recognized in Slovenia, recognition rate is 1%.

    • General Population

      On 1 July 2012, according to Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) [Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia], 2.056.262 persons lived in Slovenia.

      On 1 January 2012, according to Eurostat 2.055.496 persons lived in Slovenia.

      Number 2056262

      Qualitative Info

      On 1 July 2012, according to Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) [Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia], 2.056.262 persons lived in Slovenia.

      On 1 January 2012, according to Eurostat 2.055.496 persons lived in Slovenia.


      Groups affected/interested

      • Majority
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Migrant Population (official/estimates)


      Number 87979 Official or estimates official

      Qualitative Info

      Total number of foreign citizens residing in Slovenia, 1 July 2012: 87.979

      Since Slovenian independence, between 1991 and 2009 209.969 citizenships were issued, the majority in the years 1991 (27.340) and 1992 (140.916) to former SFRY nationals, permanently residing in Slovenia.

      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      External Url;

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Valid Residence permits

      On 31 December 2011 there were 100.910 migrants with valid residence permit.

      Number(s) 100.910 Main groups Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, FYROM, Bulgaria, Ukraine.

      Qualitative Info

      On 31 December 2011 there were 100.910 migrants with valid residence permit, out of which there were 48.228 permanent residence permits (1.258 citizens of EEA member states and 46.970 third country nationals) and 52.682 temporary residence permits (8.429 citizens of EEA member states and 44.253 third country nationals).

      In the period 1 January 2012 – 30 June 2012 22.673 temporary residence permits were issued (main groups: 9.046 to nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2.603 to nationals of Croatia, 2.090 to nationals of Serbia, 1.869 to nationals of Bulgaria, 1.857 to nationals of Kosovo, 1.556 to nationals of FYROM, 324 to nationals of Russian Federation, 313 to nationals of Ukraine).

      In the period   1 January 2012 – 30 June 2012 4.691 permanent residence permits were issued (main groups: 2.708 to nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 543 to nationals of Kosovo, 403 to nationals of FYROM, 367 to nationals of Serbia, 174 to nationals of Croatia).

      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Capital city's general population


      Number 272.554

      Qualitative Info

      In 2012 there were 272.554 persons living in Ljubljana (130.742 men and 141.812 women).


      Groups affected/interested

      • Majority

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Capital city's migrant/refugee population

      According to Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) [Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia] 20.694 foreign nationals were residing in Ljubljana on 1 July 2012.

      Number 20.694 Official or estimates official

      Qualitative Info

      According to Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) [Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia] 20.694 foreign nationals were residing in Ljubljana on 1 July 2012.


      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow

      Number of new asylum seekers, accommodated at the Asylum Home in Ljubljana in 2011:  358 (89 % men, 11 % women)

      The majority came from Afghanistan (67), Turkey (51), Pakistan (28), Tunisia (25), Somalia (20), Kosovo (19), Serbia (17), Algeria (13), Morocco (12), Syria and Iran (11 from each).

      Number 358 Main groups Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Tunisia, Somalia, Kosovo, Serbia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Iran

      Qualitative Info

      Number of new asylum seekers, accommodated at the Asylum Home in Ljubljana in 2011:  358 (89 % men, 11 % women)

      The majority came from Afghanistan (67), Turkey (51), Pakistan (28), Tunisia (25), Somalia (20), Kosovo (19), Serbia (17), Algeria (13), Morocco (12), Syria and Iran (11 from each).

      Number of new asylum seekers, accommodated at the Asylum Home in Ljubljana in 2010:  246

      The majority came from Turkey (32), Afghanistan (31), Bosnia and Herzegovina (28), Kosovo (20), Serbia (15), Iran and Nigeria (11 from each) and Iraq and Palestine (10 each).

      Number of new asylum seekers in 2009: 202

      The majority came from Bosnia and Herzegovina (41), Kosovo (28), Serbia (19), Turkey (15), Afghanistan (12), Croatia (11) and Nigeria (11).


      Groups affected/interested

      • Asylum seekers
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Quotas for admission/entry for employment

      Based on the 2011 Employment and Work of Aliens Act, aliens with permanent residence permits and refugees have free access to the labour market based on their status and do not need to apply for a work permit.

      Since 2010 (when the quota was 12.000 new work permits), the Government did not adopt a decree laying down annual work permit quota to limit the number of new work permits.

      Main groups/skills Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, FYROM

      Qualitative Info

      Since 2010 (when the quota was 12.000 new work permits), the Government did not adopt a decree laying down annual work permit quota to limit the number of new work permits, meaning that in 2011 and 2012 the number of new work permits was not limited.

      The quota otherwise applies to aliens without pre-existing residence permits in Slovenia and thus does not apply to aliens already holding personal work permits and citizens of EEA member states.

       Based on the 2011 Employment and Work of Aliens Act, aliens with permanent residence permits and refugees have free access to the labour market based on their status and do not need to apply for a work permit.

      In October 2012 there were 33.596 valid work permits. Main groups by nationality:  16.748 (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 4.405 (Serbia), 4.061 (Croatia), 3.769 (Kosovo), 2.392 (FYROM).


      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Overall Settled Minorities' Population

      There are two officially recognized minorities in Slovenia (Italian and Hungarian). Roma are recognized as a special ethnic group.

      Number 145.675 % of country population 7 Official or estimates official Main groups Italians, Hungarians, Roma, Serbs, Croats, Bosniacs, Bosnians Albanians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Muslims, other minorities.

      Qualitative Info

      There are two officially recognized minorities in Slovenia (Italian and Hungarian). Roma are recognized as a special ethnic group.

      According to the 2002 census, conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia out of 1.964.036 residents of Slovenia the following number of people declared their belonging to an ethnic minority: 2.258 Italians, 6.243 Hungarians, 3.246 Roma, 38.964 Serbs, 35.642 Croats, 21.542 Bosniacs, 8.062 Bosnians, 10.467 Muslims, 6.186 Albanians, 3.972 Macedonians, 2.667 Montenegrins (total 139.249), and several other smaller minorities (total 6.426). The total number that declared as minority is therefore 145.675 or 7 %. 48.588 did not wish to respond and the ethnicity of 126.325 is unknown.  


      Declaring one's ethnicity in census is optional, therefore the numbers are not a precise reflection of ethnic structure of the population.



      Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 

      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants
      • Roma & Travelers
      • Muslims
      • Ethnic minorities
      • Religious minorities
      • Linguistic minorities
      • National minorities

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Integration - social cohesion

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Roma & Travellers' population

      The estimation of the number of Roma in Slovenia is between 7.000 and 12.000 (0,5 % of the population). The official number obtained at the 2002 census is 3.246.

      Number 7000 % of country population 0.5 Official or estimates estimates

      Qualitative Info

      The estimation of the number of Roma in Slovenia is between 7.000 and 12.000 (0,5 % of the population). The official number obtained at the 2002 census where declaring one’s ethnicity was optional is 3.246, while 3.834 persons stated that their mother tongue was Roma langauge.



      Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,  

      Office for Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Slovenia,

      Groups affected/interested

      • Roma & Travelers

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Muslims

      According to the 2002 census 47.488 people in Slovenia are Muslims in the sense of religious conviction. However, 10.467 people also declared that they are Muslims by ethnicity. 

      Number 47.888 Official or estimates official

      Qualitative Info

      According to the 2002 census 47.488 people in Slovenia are Muslims in the sense of religious conviction. However, 10.467 people also declared that they are Muslims by ethnicity. Although these numbers are official, declaring one’s ethnicity and religious conviction was optional and therefore the information might not reflect the precise situation.



      Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,

      Groups affected/interested

      • Muslims

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Asylum status granted

      In 2011 15 people were granted refugee status in Slovenia, while 358 new asylum applications were lodged. At the same time 118 asylum applications that were lodged before 2011, have not been resolved yet. This means that the refugee status rate in 2011 was 3 %.

      Since 1995 until the end of 2011, 202 refugee statuses were recognized in Slovenia. 

      Number 15 % on applications examined 3

      Qualitative Info

      In 2011 15 people were granted refugee status in Slovenia, while 358 new asylum applications were lodged. At the same time 118 asylum applications that were lodged before 2011, have not been resolved yet. This means that the refugee status rate in 2011 was 3 %.

      Since 1995 until the end of 2011, 202 refugee statuses were recognized in Slovenia.  In total, 18.285 asylum applications were lodged in Slovenia in this period of time. This means that the recognition rate is 1%.    


      Groups affected/interested

      • Refugees
      • Asylum seekers

      Type (R/D)

      • Anti-migrant/xenophobia

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Employment - labour market
      • Housing
      • Health and social protection
      • Education
      • Political participation
      • Integration - social cohesion
      • Daily life

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Subsidiary protection status granted

      In 2011 10 people were granted subsidiary protection in Slovenia, while 358 new asylum applications were lodged. At the same time 118 asylum applications that were lodged before 2011, have not been resolved yet. This means that the subsidiary protection rate in 2011 was 2 %.

      Since 1995 until the end of 2011, 31 people were recognized subsidiary protection in Slovenia.

      Number 10 % on applications examined 2

      Qualitative Info

      In 2011 10 people were granted subsidiary protection in Slovenia, while 358 new asylum applications were lodged. At the same time 118 asylum applications that were lodged before 2011, have not been resolved yet. This means that the subsidiary protection rate in 2011 was 2 %.

      Since 1995 until the end of 2011, 31 people were recognized subsidiary protection in Slovenia. In total, 18.285 asylum applications were lodged in Slovenia in this period of time. This means that the recognition rate is 0.1 %.


      Groups affected/interested

      • Refugees
      • Asylum seekers

      Type (R/D)

      • Anti-migrant/xenophobia

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Employment - labour market
      • Housing
      • Health and social protection
      • Education
      • Integration - social cohesion
      • Daily life

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Unaccompanied minors inflow

      Among 63 minors - asylum seekers in 2010 there were 38 unaccompanied minors. There were 26 unaccompanied minors in 2009 (among 64 minors – asylum seekers).

      Number 38 % of migrant inflow 60

      Qualitative Info

      Among 63 minors - asylum seekers in 2010 there were 38 unaccompanied minors. There were 26 unaccompanied minors in 2009 (among 64 minors – asylum seekers).


      Groups affected/interested

      • Asylum seekers
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Trafficking victims identified/protected

      33 victims identified in 2010.

      Number 33 Main groups Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan

      Qualitative Info

      In 2010 33 trafficking victims were identified (31 women, 1 man, 1 child), 17 of them received one of the forms of protection, available to trafficking victims (reflection period, residence permit, accommodation at the shelters for trafficking victims, return to the country of origin), 8 of them rejected the help. Groups: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Bulgaria (2), Czech Republic (3), Hungary (9), Romania (1), Slovakia (3), Slovenia (2), Ukraine (4), Ghana (1), Dominican Republic (6), Kazakhstan  (1).


      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants
      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Primary education population of foreign pupils

      There is no official data available on the number of structure of the pupils in primary schools in Slovenia who are not Slovenian citizens.

      According to estimations there is between 6 and 7 thousand of foreign pupils in primary shools in Slovenia.

      Number 6000 % of general school population 4

      Qualitative Info

      No data is available on the total number of foreign pupils in primary education in Slovenia. The authorities in Slovenia claim they don't collect data on citizenship of pupils and their ethnic origin.

      Only data available is the number of pupils in primary education for whom the primary schools requested additional funding from the Ministry of education for providing them additional lessons of Slovenian language as their second language.

      In the school year 2010/2011, 277 primary schools in Slovenia requested additional funding for additional lessons of Slovenian language claiming the number of 1015 foreign pupils in the first year of their primary education in Slovenia and in addition to that 592 foreign pupils in the second year of their primary education in Slovenia. 

      According to estimations there is between 6 and 7 thousand of foreign pupils in primary shools in Slovenia, comprising 4 percentage of the primary school population.

      The total number of pupils included in primary education in Slovenia is around 161.000.




      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Secondary education population of foreign pupils

      No data is available on the total number of foreign pupils in secondary education in Slovenia. The authorities in Slovenia claim they don't collect data on citizenship of pupils and their ethnic origin.
      Only data available is the number of pupils in secondary education for whom the secondary schools requested additional funding from the Ministry of education for providing them additional lessons of Slovenian language as their second language.

      Qualitative Info

      In the school year 2009/2010 there were 589 students in secondary schools in Slovenia for whom schools provided additional lessons of Slovenian language (as their second/foreign language).

      No data is available on the total number of foreign students in secondary education in Slovenia. The authorities in Slovenia claim they don't collect data on citizenship of pupils and their ethnic origin. The above mentioned data is available since the Ministry of Education provides additional funding to schools which provide additional lessons of Slovenian language to foreign pupils/students (based on number of those who requested it).

      At the beginning of the school year 2011/2012 there was total number of 79.901 students (youth and adults) enrolled at the secondary schools in Slovenia.



      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Tertiary education migrant background population

      According to official data for the academic year 2008/2009 there are 1969 students at the universities in Slovenia having no citizenship of Slovenia.


      According to data of the University of Ljubljana, the biggest and the oldest university in Slovenia, in the academic year 2011/2012, there we 1.800 students having no citizenship of Slovenia.



      Number 1969 % of general school population 1.5 Main groups Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia.

      Qualitative Info

      The exact number of students with citizenship of other countries, studying at the universities in Slovenia in 2009 was 1969.  It makes 1 ,5 % of total population of university students in Slovenia. Most of the students with no citizenship of Slovenia study at the University of Ljubljana (1215) and 75 % of them have origin in countries established after the break of Yugoslavia (759 in Croatia, 255 in Macedonia, 253 in Bosnia and Herzgovina, 145 in Serbia, etc.).

      The number of students at the univeristies in Slovenia with no citizenship of Slovenia have been increasing in past years (according to some data there is in 2012 around 1.350 such students studying at the biggest university - University of Ljubljana). Recently, in January 2012, the scholarship scheme to students studying at the univerisities in Slovenia, having no Slovenian citizenship was abolished by the government and the protests against such policy have been organised by students, professors and other supporters.

      According to data of the University of Ljubljana, , in the academic year 2011/2012, there were 1.800 students studying at that university, having no citizenship of Slovenia.


      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)

      There is no official data available on the number of pupils with migrant background in schools in Slovenia.

      Estimations based on data on integration measures indicate that in the primary, secondary and tertiary education in Slovenia more than 10.000 of pupils and students do have a migrant background.

      Number 10000

      Qualitative Info

      The education authorities in Slovenia are not allowed to collect data on number and ethnic structure of pupils who are not citizens of Slovenia.

      Despited that, from certain measures aimed at integration of pupils and students with migrant background (such as additional funding provided by the Ministry of Education to schools for additional lessons of Slovenian language to pupils and students to whom it is not the first lanugage, and  a scholarship scheme provided by the state to foreign students enrolled at the universities in Slovenia) it is possible to conclude that there are between 6 and 7 thousand of pupils with migrant background in primary schools in Slovenia, and around 2 thousand students in tertiary education, while number of pupils in secondary schools is difficult to estimate.


      "Foreign language Slovenia", Mladina weekly magazine, 13.1.2011, Date of access: 8.2.2012.

      "Foreigners in Slovenian schools", Sosed, 18.10.2010, Date of access: 8.2.2012.

      Statistical data on high education, Ministry of High Education, Science and Technology, July 2010, Date of access: 8.2.2012.



      Groups affected/interested

      • Migrants

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents

      In the school year 2011/2012 there were 1.880 pupils with Roma parents enrolled in the primary schools in Slovenia.  Among them  161 were enrolled in the schools intented for pupils with special needs which is disproportionate in comparison with other children in elementary education in Slovenia.





      Number 1880 % of general school population 1.17

      Qualitative Info

      Data on the number of Roma children enrolled in elementary education are kept by public authorities. These data are collected by schools with the Roma children, as the ministry responsible for education provides extra funds for the Roma children’s additional learning tuition, school materials and meals. These data show an increase in the number of Roma children enrolled in regular primary schooling, from 1.720 in the school year 2008/2009 to 1.880 in 2011/2012.

      There is disproportionate placement of the Roma children in schools with special or adjusted programme. In the school year 2011/2012, a total 159.944 pupils were enrolled in regular programme of elementary schools in Slovenia, and 3,181 were in schools with special programme or regular schools with the adjusted programme. At the same time, 1.880 Roma pupils were in regular classes, but 161 in schools with special programme or regular schools with the adjusted curriculum.

      The trend is continuing for many years. According to the Strategy for education of Roma in Slovenia, adopted in 2004 by the Ministry of Education, there were  in the school year 2002/2003 1.349 pupils with Roma parents enrolled in 102 primary schools in Slovenia. Total number of pupils in the primary schools in  Slovenia in that school year was 175.211 (total number of primary schools was in 871). Among Roma pupils 126 were enrolled in the primary schools intended for pupils with special needs. The percentage of Roma pupils in such schools is much higher than the percentage of other pupils. Among all children 1,48 % is enrolled in the schools intended for pupils with special needs while among Roma children 9,3 % is enrolled in such schools.




      Groups affected/interested

      • Roma & Travelers

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents

      There were in the school year 2002/2003 approx. 40 students with Roma parents enrolled in the secondary schools in Slovenia, according to data collected by the Roma Association in Slovenia which are quoted in the Strategy for education of Roma (2004).

      Number 40 Main groups Roma

      Qualitative Info

      According to the analysis published within the project "The increase in social and cultural capital in areas with a Roma population" developed by the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana, in the school year 2010/2011 in four secondary schools included in their project and analysis, among total number of 1.288 students there were 36 students with Roma parents.

      There were in the school year 2002/2003 approx. 40 pupils with Roma parents enrolled in the secondary schools in Slovenia, according to unofficial data collected by the Roma Association in Slovenia which are quoted in the Strategy for education of Roma (2004).

      According to the same source, most of them are enrolled in the vocational secondary schools in the Prekmurje region.

      At the beginning of the school year 2002/2003 there were around 103.500 pupils enrolled in secondary schools in Slovenia.

      (More recent data for 2010/2011 indicate total number of 82.267 pupils included in secondary education in Slovenia, but we don't have complete and reliable data on Roma pupils in all secondary schools in Slovenia for that period.)



      Groups affected/interested

      • Roma & Travelers

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Tertiary education Roma minority population

      There is no reliable information on number of students, members of Roma community in Slovenia enrolled at univerisities. Unofficial number is 12.

      Number 12

      Qualitative Info

      Based on the number of members of Roma Academic Club, an association of university students with Roma ethnic background, there are 12 Roma participating in tertiary education in Slovenia.

      According to the Strategy for education of Roma developed by the Ministry of Education in 2004, which relies on the data provided by the Association of Roma in Slovenia, at that time there were 5 university students from Roma community in Slovenia.

      In 2012, there is one student at the University of Ljubljana concluding doctorate degree (PhD), with origins in Roma community in the Prekmurje region.

      The public policy measure aimed at support of tertiary education of Roma minority population is  a scholarship provided to each Roma student enrolled at Faculty of Education.


      Stategy for Education of Roma in Slovenia, 2004, Date of access: 5.2.2012.

      "Roma Academic Club with 12 members at the moment - Interview with Samanta Baranja, a president",, 9.4.2009, Date of access: 5.2.2012.




      Groups affected/interested

      • Roma & Travelers

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
    • Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools

      157 children of Roma parents in kindergartens, 1349 pupils in primary schools, around 40 pupils in secondary schools and around 12 students at universities.

      Also around 500 adult Roma included in education and training programs for adults.

      Number 2000

      Qualitative Info

      According to the Strategy for education of Roma in Slovenia, adopted by the Ministry of Education in 2004, there were  in the 2002/2003 school year 157 children of Roma parents enrolled in kindergartens in Slovenia, and 1349 pupils of Roma parents enrolled in primary schools.

      The number of students enrolled in secondary schools and university programs indicated in the 2004 Strategy is not so reliable since it refers to the data collected by the Roma Association in Slovenia. It indicates the number of around 40 students of Roma parents enrolled in secondary schools. Another source - membership in Roma Academic Club - indicates around 12 university students, members of Roma community.

      The Strategy from 2004 also indicates the number of around 500 adult Roma included in various educational and training programs for adults.

      If we count all Roma included in various levels and forms of education in Slovenia we can estimate that it is a number of around 2.000 members of Roma community (including adult education).


      Strategy for Education of Roma in Slovenia, 2004, Date of access: 5.2.2012.

      Groups affected/interested

      • Roma & Travelers

      Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas

      • Education

      External Url

      See other countriesSee indicator history
  • Migration & Minority Economics

    In 2012 the total ERF allocation was 554.209,00, total EIF allocation was 1.361.524,00 EUR and  total European Return Fund allocation was 1.118.892,00 EUR. The fee for the first residence permit is 102 EUR. For subsequent residence permits the fee is 50 EUR. For a permanent residence permit a fee of 90,61 EUR has to be paid. For a decision on the citizenship application there is a fee of 181,22 EUR.