There is no data on migration economics, the number of migrants coming to Romania being small. A 2010 released World Bank report on the economic opportunity Roma inclusion would represent for Eastern European countries estimated economic benefits of Roma inclusion in Romania at between 887- 2980 million euro and fiscal benefits at between 202-675 million euro, looking at lowest and highest population estimates.
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Migration to Romania is very low, as compared to other EU countries. Also, according to the provisional results of the Census, around 11 per cent of the population is made of national minorities (20 national minorities), the biggest ones being the Hungarian (6.5%) and the Roma minorities (3.2%) – with under-declaration of ethnicity for the Roma.
General Population
According to the 2002 official census, the general population of Romania amounted to 21,680,974 persons. [1]
Preliminary results of the 2011 census show that the stable population of Romania on October 20th, 2011, was of 19,043,767 persons. [2]
Number 19043767 % of EU 4Qualitative Info
The Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing centralized the information on the number of stable population and housing at national level and issued a press release on August 24st, 2012, about the preliminary results of the 2011 census. The final results of the 2011 census will be available in the second semester of the year 2013. [2]
- National Institute of Statistics:, page 1 (Accessed on 23.01.2013.)
- National Institute of Statistics, Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing, Press Release: (Accessed on 23.01.2013.)
External Url
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Migrant Population (official/estimates)
On 30 June 2012, official data registered 57259 third country nationals legally residing in Romania.
Number 57259 Official or estimates Official Main groups Moldavians, Turks, Chinese;Qualitative Info
Main purposes of stay were: family member (35.94%), permanent stay (18.49%), student (16.45%), employment (9.22%).
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Buletin statistic în domeniul imigraţiei şi azilului Semester I 2012 (Statistics on migration and asylum 1st Semester 2012), pp. 8-10, available at (Accesed on 24.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Valid Residence permits
45929 short term permits
10829 long term permits
at the end of 2012
Qualitative Info
According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration's response No.2594514 of 31.01.2013 to a public information request from the NGO Center for Legal Resources, 29544 short term permits (grant of the right to stay and extension of the right to stay) and 2489 long term permits (grant of the right to stay for long term and new permits at the request of the beneficiaries) were issued in 2012.
At the end of 2012 (31.12.2012) the database of the Inspectorate registered 45929 short term identity documents (short term permits, resident cards) issued for aliens in accordance with the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government No. 194/2000 on the status of aliens in Romania (republished, with subsequent amendments and updates) as well as with the Law No. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania (with subsequent amendments and updates). Also, the Inspectorate reported 10829 long term identity documents (long term permits, resident cards) issued for aliens in accordance with the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 194/2000 on the status of aliens in Romania (republished, with subsequent amendments and updates).
The term of alien is defined by art. 2 (a) of the Emergency Ordinance No. 194/2000 on the status of aliens in Romania (republished, with subsequent amendments and updates) as follows: "alien – a person who does not possess the Romanian citizenship or that of an EU or EEA member state or of the Swiss Confederation".
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Response No. 2594514/031.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert).
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Capital city's general population
According to official data from the 2002 census, the number of inhabitants of the capital city amounted to 1,926,334 persons out of the total population of 21,680,974 persons. [1]
Preliminary results of the 2011 census show that, out of the total polulation of 19,043,767 persons, the stable population of Bucharest on October 20th, 2011 was of 1,677,985 persons. [2]
Qualitative Info
The Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing centralized the information on the number of stable population and housing at national level and issued a press release about the preliminary results of the 2011 census on August 24st, 2012. The final results of the 2011 census will be available in the second semester of 2013. [2]
[1] National Institute of Statistics:, page 13 (Accessed on 23.01.2013.)
[2] National Institute of Statistics, Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing, Press Release: (Accessed on 23.01.2013.)
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Capital city's migrant/refugee population
19859 third country nationals at the end of 2012
Number 19859 % of general population 1.18 Official or estimates Official Main groups Chinese, Turkish, Moldavian, Syrian, IraqiQualitative Info
Accoding to the General Inspectorate for Immigation (Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări) statistics, at the end of 2012 in Bucharest a number of 19859 aliens were registered as holders of an identity document (short term permit, resident card) issued in accordance with the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government No. 194/2000 on the status of aliens in Romania (republished, with subsequent amendments and updates) as well as with the Law No. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania (with subsequent amendments and updates).
Out of 19859 persons, the number of refugees and aliens with subsidiary protection represented 3%.
The term of alien is defined by art. 2 (a) of the Emergency Ordinance No. 194/2000 on the status of aliens in Romania (republished, with subsequent amendments and updates) as follows: "alien – a person who does not possess the Romanian citizenship or that of an EU or EEA member state or of rhe Swiss Confederation".
Statistical indicators for 2012 for Bucharest show an increase in number of the registered EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens and a decrease of the foreigners from third countries.
The foreigners coming from third countries are mainly Chinese citizens - 4121, followed by Turkish citizens - 3425, Moldavians - 2098, Syrians - 1248 and Iraqi citizens - 923.
- General Inspectorate for Immigration,Address No. 2594514/31.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert).
- Mediafax, Locuitorii străini ai Capitalei: peste 30.000 de migranţi, înregistraţi în Bucureşti (Foreign Residents of the capital city: over 30,000 migrants registered in Bucharest), 24.01.2012, available at (Accesed at: 05.02.2013.)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
Refugees/asylum seekers yearly inflow
2512 persons applied for asylum in 2012.
Number 2512 Main groups Algerians, Moroccans, Afghanistans, Pakistans, Syrians, TunisiansQualitative Info
According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration's Response No. 2594514/031.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources, in 2012 a number of 2512 persons applied for asylum.
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Response No. 2594514/031.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert).
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
Quotas for admission/entry for employment
5500 for 2012
5500 for 2013
Number 5500 Official or estimates OfficialQualitative Info
Through Government Decision No. 1261/2011, the Romanian Government established a quota of 5,500 work authorizations for foreigners for 2012 [1], equal with the quota established for 2011, but with 2,500 less than for 2010 [2].
Through Government Decision No. 1253/2012, the same number of work authorizations (5500) was kept for 2013 [3].
- Government Decision No. 1261/2011, available at (Date of access: 23.01.2013.)
- Romanian Office for Immigration, Analiza cu privire la eliberarea autorizatiilor de munca in anul 2010 (Analysis on the release of work authorizations for the year 2010), 2011, p. 16, available at: (Date of access: 23.01.2013.)
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Angajatorii români pot obţine 5.500 de autorizaţii de muncă pentru lucrătorii străini în 2013 (Romanian employers can obtain 5.500 work authorizations for foreign workers in 2013), Press release, 17.01.2013, available at (Date of access: 23.01.2013.)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Employment - labour market
Overall Settled Minorities' Population
11 per cent of the total
% of country population 11 Main groups Hungarians, Roma, Ukrainians, Germans, Turks, Russian-Lipovans, TartarsQualitative Info
According to provisional results of the 2011 census, the proportion of the population which has not declared to be of Romanian ethnicity is of around 11 per cent (88.6% are Romanian and 0.3% did not declare their ethnicity )
The most numerous minorities, in rounded figures are:
Hungarians: 1,238,000 (6.5%)
Roma: 619,000 (3.2%)
Ukrainians: 51,700
Germans: 36,900
Turks: 28,200
Russian-Lippovans: 23,900
Tartars: 20,500
The rest are under 20,000.
Cristian Andrei, RECENSAMANTUL POPULATIEI, PRIMELE REZULTATE. Cati romani sunt, cati etnici maghiari si cat de mare este minoritatea roma (THE POPULATION CENSUS, FIRST RESULTS. How many Romanians are there, how many Hungarian ethnics and how big is the Roma minority.), in, 02.02.2012, available at: (Accessed on 13.03.2012)
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
- National minorities
Roma & Travellers' population
Statistical data from the 2002 census shows that out of Romania's total polulation of 21,680,974 the Roma minority accounted for 535,140 persons (2,5%). [1] Provisional results of the 2011 census show that Roma people represent 3.2% (619,007 of persons) of the total population (19,042,936). [2] According to unofficial estimations the number of the Roma population ranges between 1 and 2,5 million of people.
Number 619007 % of country population 3.2 Official or estimates OfficialQualitative Info
The Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing centralized the information on the number of stable population and housing at national level and issued a press release about the results of the 2011 census on February 2nd, 2012. The results obtained and processed to this stage are provisional and may change during subsequent stages of processing individual data from the registration forms of people in households and housing. [2]
[1] National Institute of Statistics:, page 1 (19.02.2012.)
[2] National Institute of Statistics, Central Commission for Census of Population and Housing, Press Release: (19.02.2012.)
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Number 67257 % of country population 0.31 Official or estimates Official
Qualitative Info
Data from the 2002 official census shows that, out of the total population of 21,680,974 persons, 67,257 persons declared to belong to the Muslim religion. [1] The preliminary results of the 2011 census do not include the Muslim religion (it is included in a general category of below 85,000 people).
[1] National Institute of Statistics:, page 1(Accessed on 19.02.2012.) and (accessed at: 25.02.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Muslims
Asylum status granted
161 persons were granted refugee status in 2012
Qualitative Info
According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration's Response No. 2594514/031.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources, in 2012 a number of 161 aliens were granted refugee status.
- Address No. 2594514/031.01.2013 from the General Inspectorate for Immigration to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert).
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Subsidiary protection status granted
117 persons received subsidiary protection during 2012.
Number 117Qualitative Info
According to Address No. 2594514/031.01.2013 of the General Inspectorate for Immigration to the Centre for Legal Resources, 117 persons received subsidiary protection during 2012.
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Address No. 2594514/031.01.2013 to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert).
Groups affected/interested
- Asylum seekers
Unaccompanied minors inflow
During 2012, 60 persons who declared they were unaccompanied minors requested protection in Romania.
Number 60 Main groups Pakistanis, Afghanistanians, Bangladesians, AlgeriansQualitative Info
According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration, in 2012, when submitting the asylum request, a number of 60 aliens declared they were unaccompanied minors.
The main countries where the unaccompanied minors came from were: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Algeria.
- Address No. 2594514/31.01.2013 from the Romanian Immigration Office to the Centre for Legal Resources (on file with the expert)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
Trafficking victims identified/protected
1048 identified for 2011
Number 1048Qualitative Info
The National Agency Against Trafficking of Persons (Agenţia Naţională Împotriva Traficului de Persoane) records data about trafficking.
In its report regarding the first semester of 2011, the Agency reported that 488 victims of trafficking were identified (341 women and 147 men). This represents 29% more than the numbers registered the previous year, for the same period of time. [1]
Another Agency publication analyzing the situation of victims of trafficking in 2011 reports a number of 1048 victims, with 9% less (106) than in 2010. [2]
The US Department of State Trafficking in Persons report for Romania states the following:
"The government reported the identification of 1,043 victims in 2011, compared with 1,154 victims identified in 2010. Of those identified, 417 were referred to public institutions for victim assistance; in 2010, 451 victims of trafficking received government-funded services. One hundred and twenty-three trafficking victims received government-funded shelter in 2011, of which 36 were housed in trafficking-specific shelters and 87 were housed in shelters for domestic violence or homeless shelters. NGOs reported that government shelters restricted trafficking victims’ autonomy and freedom of movement. The government did not provide access to trafficking shelters for adult male victims of trafficking, though nine men were housed in non-trafficking shelters. Other trafficking victims received medical help, financial assistance, vocational assistance, or psychological help. NGOs questioned the quality of these services; at times, psychological assistance consisted of a single visit to a counselor, rather than meaningful care. Similarly, rehabilitation of child victims highly vulnerable to re-trafficking sometimes consisted of only one or two visits by social workers." [3]
[1]National Agency Against Trafficking of Persons (Agenţia Naţională Împotriva Traficului de Persoane), Analysis on the situation of victims identified in the first semester 2011, p.3, available at (Accessed on 14.02.2012).
[2] National Agency Against Trafficking of Persons (Agenţia Naţională Împotriva Traficului de Persoane), Evaluarea anuală privind situaţia traficului de persoane 2011 (Analysis on the situation of trafficking of persons 2011), p. 4, available at (Accessed on 23.01.2013).
[3] US Department of State, 2012 Trafficking in persons report Romania, available at: (accessed at: 25.02.2013)
External Url 20semestriala%202011.pdf
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Primary education population of foreign pupils
No publicly available data could be found.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of foreign pupils
No publicly available data could be found.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education migrant background population
No publicly available data could be found.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)
No publicly available data could be found.
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents
No official publicly available data could be found.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Secondary education population of pupils with Roma parents
No official publicly available data could be found.
Qualitative Info
A sociological study under the aegis of the Romanian Government from 2008, concluded that only 9 per cent of young Roma adults had graduated high-school as opposed to 41 per cent of the non-Roma young adults.
Gabor Fleck and Cosima Righinis (eds.), Come closer. Inclusion and Exclusion of Roma in Present Day Romanian Sociaety, 2008, p. 176, available at: (Date of access: 13.03.2012)
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Tertiary education Roma minority population
No official, publicly available data could be found.
Qualitative Info
A sociological study under the aegis of the Romanian Government from 2008, concluded that only 2 per cent of young Roma adults had graduated university as opposed to 27 per cent of the non-Roma young adults.
Gabor Fleck and Cosima Righinis (eds.), Come closer. Inclusion and Exclusion of Roma in Present Day Romanian Society, 2008, p. 176, available at: (Date of access: 13.03.2012)
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
Total of pupils of Roma parents in schools
260.000 students who assume their Roma identity
Number 260000Qualitative Info
According to data communicated by the Ministry of Education, yearly over 260.000 students who assume their Roma identity study in pre-school, primary and secondary education (pre-school pupils and students of I-XII grades).
Data was not segregated on each educational circle.
- Ministry of Education, Adress No. 720f/01.10.2012 on file with the Centre for Legal Resources.
Groups affected/interested
- Roma & Travelers
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
- Education
General Population
Migration & Minority Economics
Depending on the type of worker, the employer pays 50 or 200 Euro for the work authorization. The employee pays approx 180 euro for the stay permit after entering the country. There is no study on migration economics, the number of migrants for labour purposes being insignificant at country level. Some calculations have been made as to how much Romania misses from non-inclusion of the Roma minority (between 1,089 and 3,655 million euro from both economic and fiscal gains).
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation
1,015,159 EUR
. 1015159Qualitative Info
For 2012 EUR 1,015,159 (774,919 Community Contribution, 198,293.33 Public allocation, 41,946.67 Private allocation)
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, ERF Annual Programme 2012, available at: (Accessed on 24.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Refugees
External Url
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European Integration Fund yearly allocation
1,933,178.67 EUR
Qualitative Info
For 2012 EUR1,933,178.67 (1,471,644 - Community Contribution, 369,227.73 - Public Allocation, 92,306.93 - Private Allocation)
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Annual Programme - European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals 2012, Romania, available at: (Accessed on 24.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url
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European Return Fund yearly allocation
3,020,060 EUR
. 3020060Qualitative Info
In 2012 EUR3,020,060 (2,295,060 EU contribution, 671,000 Public Allocation, 54,000 Private Allocation)
- General Inspectorate for Immigration, Annual Programme European Return Fund Romania 2012, available at: (Accessed on 24.01.2013)
External Url
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Cost/fees for 1 year residence/work permit
Depending on the type of worker, the employer pays 50 or 200 Euro for the work authorization
The employee pays approx 180 euro for the stay permit after entering the country
. 180Qualitative Info
The employer pays EUR200/EUR50 for obtaining the work authorization, depending on the type of work relations with the employee.
The employee pays for the stay permit which has to be obtained after entering the Romanian territory, the following taxes:
Consular fee: EUR120
Work authorization issuance: RON260 (EUR60)
Stamp: RON4
Webpage of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, available at: (24.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url
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Cost/fees for Long term / permanent Residence permit
398,5 RON (90 EUR)
. 90Qualitative Info
Costs with filing the application:
Registration fee: RON3 (EUR0.69)
Stamp: RON4 (EUR0.93)
Costs with issuance of the permanent residence permit:
Approval fee: RON124.5 (EUR28) (this is not paid by the applicants who are family members of a Romanian citizen)
Registration fee: RON 3 (EUR0.69)
Issuance fee: RON260 (EUR60)
Stamp: RON 4 (EUR0.93)
- General Inspectorate for Immigration's webpage, Information on Permanent Residence, available at: (Accessed on 24.01.2013)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
External Url
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Cost/fees for Citizenship acquisition application
. 44.03
Qualitative Info
Consular fee: RON187.5 (EUR 43)
Registration fee: RON3 (EUR 0.69)
Stamp: RON1.5 (EUR 0.34)
Romanian Ministry of Justice webpage, Information on documents and taxes necessary for submitting the citizenship application: (Accessed on 02.03.2012)
Groups affected/interested
- Migrants
- Refugees
European Refugee Fund yearly allocation